

Fit For Faith 〣 Your Christian Ministry.

Established in 2019 in Vancouver, Canada

Thomas Lorenz 〣 2017 〣 Cultus Lake
Thomas Lorenz 〣 2017 〣 Cultus Lake

From a distinguished career, a master in the world, to a servant of the One and Only MASTER. 

I grew up as the oldest sibling in a Christian family of 10 - assuming very early responsibility for others. Later I learned the solid trade of IESOUS CHRISTOS and then pursued a career as an engineer. Years of managing all over Europe the construction of exhibition booths for the big players in the automotive and mobile phone industry ended abruptly, when the financial crisis reached Germany in 2009. A simple backpacking trip to South-America resulted in living in Argentina and later in Colombia, where I started my life 'from zero'.

I changed the industry and worked after my salvation in 2012 my way up from a travel agent to managing more than 50 offices of the franchise network of a large German airline. Personal assistant, traveling more than 100 000 km per year and earning a big salary. In short I achieved every worldly success one could dream of before the age of 40. 

The cost was high. Very high. The only matter that saved me from a burnout, was the obedience of the Weekly Sabbath (back then still on Sundays). Literally. But THEOS had other plans - to bring me out of this worldly hamster wheel.

 changed in 2017 with the move to Canada and especially my baptism, after having been a 'nominal' Christian since early childhood, who was taught that baptism would be optional for Future Salvation and who had wandered away from THEOS for fourteen years. Five unstable years after my decision in 2012 came to an end. Little remained in my life as it was before.

I then served in many fulfilling ways, worked for some years as a project manager in construction, and had the incredible privilege to lead the construction of a new church campus, while I initiated at the same time in 2019 this ministry.

The seed for this ministry was already planted in 2012 in Bogotá (Colombia), where the first study (The Bible Presentation in its initial Spanish version) had been requested by a local church. Back then I had already the strong desire to organize my learnings into theological teachings, but it was not yet the appointed time. What continued years later with a simple Christian blog (early 2019), progressed to extensive collections of Christian movies (late 2019), books (2020) and music, and only then bore fruit in more than 70 independent Bible studies (since 2020 / 2021), I now conduct under the constant search for guidance through the HOLY SPIRIT.

The first semester of the INSTE Bible College taken with a small church study group, helped me to learn the basic of biblical interpretation, and the self-study of the Greek language helped me to better understand the Word itself and most importantly to create the Consolidated Bible with the Greek OT & NT. I intentionally do not aim for any formal religious education or impressive titles such as 'Doctor of Philosophy', or 'Master of Divinity' for humans (there is only one MDiv!). 1Cor 1:26-30 and Mat 23:8, 10.

The only title I give myself is 'SERVANT / SLAVE OF THE MASTER' (1Cor 3:7-9), in order to keep my faith pure and undefiled, and especially to provide through this ministry a biblically based theology which is not biased by opinions of often secularized professors in ecumenical institutions (for the dangers of the widespread Christian Careerism in the multi-billion-dollar industry of religionized leadership training, see the Discernment-List with many problematic universities and their by-products, martyr John Bradford's letter to the University of Cambridge and this short clip from a teacher I don't endorse but who speaks the truth on this).

As we all know very well, academics and scientists, although having done significant contributions, can simply not be independent and fully endorse the Bible, be it because of prestige, tremendous pressures within their communities when it comes to relatively uniform theology, the inability to later breaker free from false teachings absorbed in universities, or because of the risk of losing job / financial security, or of losing professional admiration, or of losing grant money.

This independence often requires to go an extra mile in studies, but it makes this ministry scripturally more reliable and less constrained by customs, often anti-biblical etiquette and especially the fear of man. More information on my methodology and church background is found in the section 'Overview and Methodology of Works':

The rest is history - all perfectly visible through this website - created in many thousands of hours of mostly joyful 'work' and provided to you for free, without receiving any donations or other financial benefits.

I now 'work' 40+ hours per week for this ministry and fully finance this ministry by working 30 hours as a cabinet maker. Going in humility back to the very roots and doing the profession of IESOUS in the style of Paul - a move of THEOS I would have never expected.

No more permanent availability and responsibility while pursuing a worldy career, but an occupation where I can simultaneously build a very solid foundation for my teaching to others. A job without sleepless nights, but instead allowing a mental focus on ministry, and especially on the enormous project of consolidating the Greek Old and New Testament.

 more worldly pride & career, but humility, joy and peace. A life gladly dedicated to Him, and a life without possessions such as a car or a television. Back to the basics.

THEOS is good. His Wisdom is so much greater.

Thomas Lorenz  ·  a servant of THEOS


Some major breakthroughs the HOLY SPIRIT blessed me with (and therefore all of us):

06/2021 Eden, definition of the Karaca Dag location (see study)

06/2021 Genealogies, superiority of Greek OT proven (see study)

09/2021 Crucifixion date of IESOUS CHRISTOS on the penultimate day of the Passover Week (see study)

02/2022 Septuagint, proof of superiority over Masoretic texts (see study)

02/2022 Flood, proof of the 360-day schedule (see study)

03/2022 Ark probably same location as Eden (see study)

10/2022 Spiritual Self-Sufficiency / Age of Accountability of 20 years (see study)

06/2023 Missing Cainan, Jews deleted him, being the patriarch of the Samaritans (see study)

08/2023 Publication of first 5 chapters of the Matthew translation (see translation)

08/2023 Apocrypha, first independent timeline (see study)

10/2023 Wave Sheaf Offering, Proof of Abib 23 (see study)

10/2023 Original sin of Cain - Sacrilege / Greediness

10/2023 Upper Mesopotamia (of Syria; Aram), Proof for being the birthplace of Abram and the location of Babylon

11/2023 Proof of CHRISTOS being the Angel / Messenger of KYRIOS (see study)

12/2023 Publication of the first UNCIAL Greek text of the Old and New Testament (in development)

06/2024 Corrected localization of Goshen on the Sinai Peninsula (see map)

12/2024 Completion of 195 Book Reviews and 148 Movie Reviews, having gone since 2019 methodically through initially ~350 Book- and Movie recommendations

12/2024 Publication of the Christian Calendar through a dedicated website

01/2025 Proof for the equivalence of the term 'G‑d' and 'Goth' (see study)

01/2025 Proof for dinosaur-like creatures in ~1700 BC (Job 42:17ff) (see study)