Bible Translation & Greek

Ever since I discovered the Greek Old Testament having divine and factually superior authority, and having proved this in every biblical way through the Septuagint study, I had the strong desire to create a Bible translation of the Greek Old and New Testament.
Going hand in hand with the translation, I am currently typesetting Uncials of the Greek Old and New Testament, and developed unique master paradigms of Greek grammar- for all those being keen to understand the language CHRIST and the Apostles (also) spoke in their time on earth.
The Consolidated Bible
This project of an Inline Interlinear Bible had been initiated in March 2023 and involves the following:
- Restoration of Greek texts - typesetted according to the earliest manuscripts and customs in capital letters (UNCIAL SCRIPT), which are not only significantly more readable (cursives / small letters are de facto an intellectual disguise of the Bible), but much more importantly the letter format used in all the manuscripts well until the 9th c. AD. All 18 retroactively added and commonly used diacritics (221 combinations and ~18% of all letters) are neglected according to the original texts - with the only but logical addition of paragraphs, verses and spacing between the words.
* Continually being updated. Last update FEB4. With final formatting and paragraphs for Genesis - Deuteronomy, and Matthew - Revelation. Please download the Bible (23MB) for optimal use. Sumatra PDF is a free & very fast reader with a great navigation.

- Simultaneous Word-for-Word translation into 3 languages (English, German and Spanish), allowing for a better harmonization and extended understanding of Scripture. This includes a rendering of the Greek letters (transliteration), and the respective Strong's codes for those who want to go deeper.
** Continually being updated (every weekday), last update MAR 7.
Greek Grammar
Grammar of Koine Greek can appear overwhelming, especially considering the fact that verb conjugations are still a rarity and found online either in nested or extremely reduced formats. The following master charts of Greek conjugations shall intend to fill this gap.

The raw file of the conjugation charts can be found here, including more tenses. You are free to download the PDF and the raw file for non-commercial use, and as teaching material at Christian institutions and churches. No adaptions.
Source: Study on 'Biblical Numbers'. The Greek letters 'wau' and 'san' (in gray color) are archaic letters formerly used.
See also 'Comparative Greek Fonts and Keyboard Mapping', by Kris J. Udd
Abused Bible Verses
1. The famous verses of Joh 3:14-16 read correctly translated as following: "And just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, thus it is necessary that the Son of Man was exalted, so that everyone believing in Him might have [Subjunctive, Mood of Possibility] agelong life." 16 For in this way THEOS loved the world, so that He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone believing in Him should not perish [Subjunctive - correctly translated in the ASV, ESV, ISV, KJV, LIT, NKJV and YLT Bibles], but should have [Subjunctive, Mood of Possibility] agelong life."
Joh 3:14-16 is often mistranslated as following: "And just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, thus it is necessary that the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 so that everyone who believes in him will have [Future Tense; erroneous translation = False assurance in regards of salvation] eternal life." 16 For in this way G-d loved the world, so that he gave his one and only Son, in order that everyone who believes in him will not perish [Future Tense - wrongly translated in the AMP, BSB, CSB, LEB, NASB, NET, NIV and NLT], but will have [Future Tense] eternal life."
> For the vast implications of those mistranslated words, see the study 'Salvation · Eternal Security vs. Conditional Security'
2. 77 or 70 times 7?
Gen 4:24 reads: "Because vengeance has been exacted seven times on Cain's behalf, on Lamech's it shall be seventy times seven."
Mat 18:21-22 reads: "Then Peter having approached, he said to Him: "Master, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" IESOUS said to him: I do not say to you up to seven times, but even seventy times seven"
Both Gen 4:24 and Mat 18:22 mean 70 times 7 when using the term
number times number
seventy times seven.
The Masoretic text requires a correct(ion) (interpretation) in Gen 4:24, because we cannot doubt Mat 18:22. See also the great article by Lucas Gregorio 'Seventy Times Seven or Seventy-Seven Times: The Mathematical Formula in Matthew 18:22 and LXX Genesis 4:24'.
>> I hereby apologize for having formerly taught the 77 times, an error I realized when translating the book of Matthew and the respective verse of Mat 18:22. It was intriguing (also in regards of numbers, the genealogies with 77 generations, et al) to conclude 77 for both the OT and NT passage, but after a further study of the topic and specifically of the ending 'ΚΙϹ', it became clear that only the above conclusion is valid. What was previously in blind acceptance of the Masoretic text of Gen 4:24, has once again shown to be in favor of the Greek Old Testament, which correctly reads '70 times 7' in Gen 4:24. It was a bitter lesson of not letting human reasoning and blind reliance of (partly manipulated) Jewish texts stand above the divinely inspired word, which the Greek Old Testament definitely is.
3. Jer 29:11 reads: "For I know the plans which I am planning for you, [a promise given to the Hebrews exiled in Babylon]' declares YAHWEH, 'plans of welfare [not prosperity as often translated, but referring to physical and spiritual salvation] and not of calamity give to you a future and a hope."
4. A very common, but nonsensical translation of Mat 5:3 reads: "Blessed are the poor in SPIRIT, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
A faithful translation is: "Fortunate [or blessed, but most certainly not referring to a biblical blessing here which e.g. Isaac would have received or given] (are) those destitute to the SPIRIT. For theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens."
Another possible translation is: "Fortunate (are) the ones yearning the SPIRIT. For theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens."
>> 1. The word translated as 'in' is nowhere found in the Greek text and is interpolated in nearly all translations!!! 2. The word behind 'poor' [G4434, ΠΤⲰΧΟΙ, ptochoi] certainly implies an aspect of (spiritual) poverty, but it is a poor choice to translate this word literally with 'poor' and to have reader assume that spiritual poverty is something to strive for (especially when adding the word 'in') ... The word 'destitute' is more adecuate, as it also expresses poverty, but at the same time and more importantly the desperate need / willingness / yearning for the SPIRIT. This becomes also clear by looking at the word 'ptochoi' itself, which implies the ACTION to prostrate like a beggar and to -yearn- with the whole heart for the SPIRIT.

5. Mat 5:27-28 reads: "But I say to you, that anyone looking after a married woman [G1135, ΓYNAIKA, gunaika: a woman, rather a wife] so as to desire her [G1937, EΠIΘYMHCAI, epithumesai: covet / passion / desire for that which is another's, not lust related to singles as commonly translated and taught], already committed adultery with her in his heart".
>> 'Adultery' is a concept exclusively related to marriage, but regularly being abused by those who teach a legalistic burden to singles. To interpret this verse as a prohibition for singles to look at a woman is true legalism. Lust is sinful, but there are other much more suitable verses to teach against it.
6. A faithful translation of the famous exception clause in Mat 5:31-32 reads:
"But I say to you, that anyone who should abandon his wife [G630, AΠOΛYCH, apoluse: put away; free fully; release; dismiss; from the word 'luo' = loosen; the word 'divorce' is an interpretation only; the precise translation would be 'loosen away']
his wife [G1135, ΓYNAIKA, gunaika: a married woman],
except on the ground [singular, not grounds = one very specific reason = excluding generic terms such as sexual immorality!!!]
of unchastity, [G4202, ΠOPNEIAC, porneias: fornication = any type of sexual intercourse before the wedding night; not 'adultery' what would lead to the oxymoron / duplication of 'except on the basis of adultery' and again 'commits adultery'; the content of this exception clause cannot be identical with the result which is 'adultery' = marital unfaithfulness],
makes her commit adultery. [G3429, MOIXATAI, moichatai: adultery]
And whoever should marry one having been abandoned commits adultery [G3429]."
>> There is no other biblical reason for divorce than unchastity, which is a concept well described in the Bible, but surprisingly neglected in most translations of the previous verse. See also the study 'Marriage & Divorce'.
7. Mat 7:1 reads: "Do not judge [applies to outsiders, not to sin of insiders which ought to be judged], so that you will not be judged."
>> We should never judge unbelievers, but have sometimes even the obligation to judge those who call themselves brothers or sisters in CHRIST (after we have made sure that there is no speck in our eye that prevents us from seeing the real nature of the issue). The enemy has achieved a tremendous victory by propagating the notion that all judgment in church is improper. More in the study 'One Anothering'.
8. Mat 18:19 reads: "Again I say to you, that if two among you should agree on earth concerning any practice, whatever they may ask will be accomplished to them by my Father, the One in the Heavens."
>> Usually the word behind 'practice' [Strong's G4229 ΠΡΑΓΜΑ pragma: a thing done, a deed, action; a matter, an affair] is translated as 'matter' or 'issue', which is technically a correct translation, but does not reflect as accurately as the word 'practice' the true meaning. We cannot suggest to an average reader who does not read in context, that he and his or her friend can agree on any trivial issue and then have it fulfilled. The previous verses make it clear that Mat 18:19 is speaking of church practices in relation to the church discipline treated in this paragraph. clearly affirms this: "In the Greco-Roman world, 'pragma' was commonly used in legal and commercial contexts to refer to business dealings or legal cases. The term reflects the practical and often public nature of such affairs, which were integral to the social and economic life of the time. Understanding 'pragma' in its historical context helps illuminate its use in the New Testament, where it often pertains to issues of conduct and responsibility within the Christian community."
9. Mat 18:20 further reads: "For where two or three are gathered in my name [related to witnesses in a hearing, not to an ordinary situation], I am there in the midst of them."
>> Often incorrect, but rather not problematic application.
10. The KJV and many other Bible translations call women silly "For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts ..." (2Tim 3:6).
The Amplified Bible (AMP) goes even one step further and replaces 'silly' with "morally weak and spiritually-dwarfed women". Outrageous.
The Greek simply says 'little women', which should probably be translated with 'young women', a term being in harmony with the sins related to lust and the yet lacking wisdom / immaturity described in the same verse. But certainly not with 'silly' or a whole tirade as in the Amplified Bible (which was curiously enough being translated by a woman, the Presbyterian Frances Siewert).

11. 1Cor 11:10 should read "Because of this, the woman ought to have authority over her head, on account of the angels." It does not read "Because of this, the woman ought to have -a symbol of- authority on her head, on account of the angels." The words 'a symbol of' are erroneously added in many translations. See also the topical study on 'Head Coverings', which are still required today (!) for women in the time of private and corporate prayer only. Paul proactively refuted any cultural application we often want to read into those verses, and we also have no problem with communion mentioned in the very same chapter -after- the head coverings.
12. Isa 64:6 is usually translated in this manner: "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags ..."
A faithful translation is: "We all have become unclean ['unclean' = Old Covenant Law], all our righteousness is a filthy rag ..."
>> The word behind 'righteousness' does not include 'acts / works' which are added in many translations; while ignoring that the Bible elsewhere teaches that there are many important Works of Faith that are surely not filthy!
This verse essentially teaches that it is His righteousness what counts, not our own righteousness. To use this verse in popular (very often Calvinist / Reformed) teachings against works - usually without any differentiation between 'Works of the Law' and 'Works of Faith' - is anti biblical. Even if the word 'works' was allowed to be included (which is definitely not), it would clearly refer to 'Works of the Law', an entirely different concept than 'Works of Faith'.
13. The golden chain is Foreknowledge - Predestination - Calling - Justification - Sanctification - Glorification. Rom 8:28-30 is a verse commonly abused by those struggling to balance the concepts of Free Will and Predestination: "And we know that all things work together for good for those who love THEOS, for those who are called according to His purpose, because those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He should be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom He predestined, these He also called, and those whom He called, these He also justified, and those whom He justified, these He also glorified">.
>>Paul changes in those verses intentionally from Present Tense to Past Tense. The paragraph is mostly written in Past Tense and therefore no automatism for us as often interpreted, but a mere example how Old Covenant saints had been saved! Paul is essentially saying: ~Everything will work out for you, if you do not shipwreck your faith and follow the example of the Old Testament saints, who lived before the First Coming of the MESSIAH, but even though would be conformed into His image by having lived a pious life according to the Old Covenant.~ Now read again the verses above and see how everything makes perfect sense.
See also the difference between 'descriptive' and 'prescriptive' verses as explained below.
14. Exodus 34:29, 30 and 35 describe the face of Moses as glowing, after he came down from the mountain. But Jerome (see discernment) through 'his' Latin Vulgate Bible, the Wycliffe Bible and the Douay-Rheims Bible translated 'his face was horned'. This misled millions of people, including artists such as Michelangelo, who depicted in their medieval artworks Moses with such horns, giving him an inhuman and demonic aspect.
15. Eph 2:20 is often used to justify the antibiblical doctrine of Cessationism, mainly based on the misinterpretation of one Bible passage:
"So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of THEOS, built on the foundation of the apostles [denoting the 4 account of the Good Message & Acts, -NOT- the office of an apostle!] and prophets [denoting the remainder of the Old Testament, -NOT- speaking of the office of a prophet], CHRISTOS IESOUS Himself being the cornerstone [metaphor, so the other words need to be interpreted in the same way!], in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple [once again a metaphor] in KYRIOS. Eph 2:19-21
>> Those verses use metaphors such as 'cornerstone' and 'temple', and do therefore not speak of actual gifts or offices, but of parts of the Bible / time periods.
1. 'Law' means the Pentateuch, 2. 'Prophets' the remainder of the OT, and 3. 'Apostles' stand for the Good Message & Acts. The gift of prophecy continues today, as visible through Paul's letters.
16. Many translators and scholars use ΕΒΡΑΙϹΤΙ (Hebrew) to refer to both Aramaic and Hebrew, without distinction. But the fact that the Greek OT specified the term ϹΥΡΙϹΤΙ (Suristi) for Aramaic, and therefore differentiates between ϹΥΡΙϹΤΙ and ΕΒΡΑΙϹΤΙ, should already exclude such an undifferentiated application. Josephus also distinguished between both Greek terms with casual precision, so we know that Hebrew and Aramaic existed at that time distinctly from one another.
- Aramaic / Syrian (3x in the OT) G4948, ϹΥΡΟϹ, suros: Syrian. References in 2Kin 18:26, Ezr 4:7, Isa 36:11.
- Hebrew (10x in the NT) G1447, ΕΒΡΑΙϹΤΙ / ΕΒΡΑΙΔΙ, hebraisti / ebraidi: Hebrew. References in Joh 5:2, Joh 19:13, 17, 20, Joh 20:16, Act 21:40, Act 22:2, Act 26:14, Rev 9:11, Rev 16:16.
>> Bibles which erroneously translate the term ΕΒΡΑΙϹΤΙ as 'Hebrew' are AMP, BSB, CJB, ESV, LEB, NET, NIV, NLT (some of the verses as 'Aramaic', while others as 'Hebrew')
>> Bibles which correctly translate the term ΕΒΡΑΙϹΤΙ as 'Aramaic' are ASV, CEV, CSB, DARBY, GNT, GNV, ISV, KJV, LIT, NASB, NKJV, NLT (some), NRSV, WEB, YLT
17. A blatant abuse of the Greek Participle is found in most translations of 1Tim 6:15 '... He who is The Blessed and Only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords', with some translations even writing 'Lords' with a capital letter (= plain polytheism)! Nowhere in the Greek text is found a noun, but the participle 'ΚΥΡΙΟϹ ΤⲰΝ ΚΥΡΙΕΥΟΝΤⲰΝ'. The only correct translations are 'Lord of the ones dominating' (ABP), 'Lord of those that exercise lordship' (DBY), 'Lord of them that wield lordship' (EBR). There is a significant difference between a temporal action and a permanent title. Polytheism does not (only) begin in the minds of the readers, it begins with the words of translators.
Verses Erroneously Used Against the Weekly Sabbath
18. Col 2:13-17 reads: "Therefore do not let anyone judge you [judging does not even equal an abolition!] with reference to eating or drinking or participation in a feast ['feast' = clearly Ceremonial Law; no feast included in the 10 commandments of which the Weekly Sabbath is essentially part of] or a New Moon or a [Ceremonial] Sabbath, which are a shadow of what is to come, but the reality is CHRIST." [see also the study 'Sabbaths' with the often neglected and very important differentiation between Weekly Sabbaths and the 7 Ceremonial Sabbaths]
19. Rom 14:5 reads: "One person prefers one day over another day [not referring to the Weekly Sabbath, but to Jewish festivals / Ceremonial Sabbaths], and another person regards every day alike. [...] The one who is intent on the day ["the" = very specific days] is intent on it for the LORD, and the one who eats, eats for the LORD, because he is thankful to THEOS."
>> The entire chapter of Romans 14 speaks of food, while the Weekly Sabbath has very little-, but the Ceremonial Sabbaths have a lot- to do with food. Another hint is the term 'unclean', constantly relating to Ceremonial Laws in the Old Testament. None of the 10 commandments has to do anything with cleanliness.
We should not only read in context if we are positively biased on a topic, but especially when we are negatively biased or when we are simply not certain. And we should urgently abstain from cherry-picking individual verses and from injecting a reading into the text, which is exclusively based on a preconceived belief, rather than getting it from the text itself.
20. Rev 1:10-11 is usually translated in this manner: "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet saying ..."
>> The terminology 'Lord's Day' does not appear in the Bible at all. This verse in Revelation is the closest we get, but in its correct translation it simply says 'the day (noun) belonging (adjective!) to the LORD'. It simply describes to whom the Weekly Sabbath belongs to. If the modern Sunday were intended to be designated, the wording "First Day of The Week" (literally 'one after the Sabbath') would have been used, as used by John without exception in his other books!
Interpolated Verses
A. High Certainty of Interpolation
1. Longer ending(s) of the book of Mark, chapter 16 "And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. [9Now when he rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. 10She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept. 11But when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they would not believe it. 12After these things he appeared in another form to two of them, as they were walking into the country. 13And they went back and told the rest, but they did not believe them. 14Afterward he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at table, and he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen. 15And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the g‑spel to the whole creation. 16Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover." 19So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of G-d. 20And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs"] Luke 1 Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, 2just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us ..."
>> There are different endings, one shorter and one longer, but both are most definitely added. Both are missing from most manuscripts. No papyrus fragments found including those verses. Different writing style. The Vaticanus codex leaves a blank column. Several ancient writers explicitly stated those words not being original.
2. Joh 5:3-4 "Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Hebrew called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. 3In these lay a multitude of invalids - blind, lame, and paralyzed. [...waiting for the moving of the water. 4For at a certain time, an Angel would go into the pool and disturb the water; whoever was first to step in the water after its disturbance was cured of whatever disease he had.] 5 One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years."
>> The ending of verse 3 and the entire verse 4 are missing from the Alexandrinus, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codices. Different wording across manuscripts. Words and style atypical for John.
3. The woman caught in adultery, Joh 7:53-8:11 "Nicodemus, who had gone to him before, and who was one of them, said to them, 51"Does our law judge a man without first giving him a hearing and learning what he does?" 52They replied, "Are you from Galilee too? Search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee." [53They went each to his own house, but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. 3The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst 4they said to him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. 5Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?" 6This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her." 8And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. 9But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10Jesus stood up and said to her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" 11She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more."] 12 Again IESOUS to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." 13So the Pharisees said to him, "You are bearing witness about yourself; your testimony is not true."
>> Those verses of Joh 7:53 and Joh 8:1-11 are missing from the Alexandrinus, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codices. The story might have happened indeed, but its inclusion is widely regarded as spurious, although still widely taught by pastors and book authors today.
Different locations of the verse across manuscripts. As plainly visible above, the conversation of IESOUS and the Pharisees is suddenly interrupted after verse 52 and then continues after the story of the woman caught in adultery in verse 12 of the following chapter. It is totally disconnected from the previous and the following verses.
4. 1Joh 5:6-8 "For everyone who has been born of THEOS overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 5Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that IESOUS is the Son of THEOS? 6This is he who came by water and blood - IESOUS CHRISTOS; not by the water only but by the water and the blood. And the SPIRIT is the one who testifies, because the SPIRIT is the truth. 7For there are three that testify: [For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Breath, and these are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness on the earth:] 8the SPIRIT and the water and the blood; and these three agree. 9If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of THEOS is greater, for this is the testimony of THEOS that he has borne concerning his Son."
>> The most well-known false verse in the Bible. It is missing from ancient Aramaic, Coptic, Georgian, Greek, Slavic, Syriac manuscripts and did not appear in any Bible text until 14-15c. AD. No mention of this verse by any church fathers. First appearance outside the Bible in Liber Apologeticus (4c. AD). Different wording across biblical manuscripts.5. Rev 20:4-6 "Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of IESOUS and for the Word of THEOS, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with CHRISTOS for a thousand years. [5The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.] 6Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of THEOS and of CHRISTOS, and they will reign with him for a thousand years."
>> This verse is missing from the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codices, and from the Aramaic texts.
B. Good Certainty of Interpolation
6. Longer ending of the LORD's Prayer in Mat 6:9 "Pray then like this: "Our Father in the Heavens, hallowed be your name. 10 Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread, 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [added: For yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever.]
14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
>> The end of verse 13 is missing from the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codices.
7. The famous verse of 1Cor 14:33-34 reads: "As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church."
This is an insufficient translation. As seen in Mat 5:27-28, the word ΓYNAIKA does rather refer to a wife. This is especially made clear by the addition of 'husbands' in the next verse. The word behind 'silent' (G4601 CIΓATⲰCAN, sigatosan) can according to Strong's dictionary be translated as to 'hold peace'. This is also the only reasonable translation in the context of this verse.
The proper translation should read: The ['Your' in some manuscripts] wives must hold peace in the churches. For it is not permitted to them to speak [could also mean to shout or to utter / argue, most probably to speak in an argumentative way with their husband] but to be subject [to their husbands] as the law also says.
>> But those verses are possibly interpolated and are not original to the biblical text, as explained in detail in this article and in this more detailed comment based on the research through scholars such as Gordon D. Fee, Philip B. Payne, Straatman, Fitzer, Barrett, and Rueft.
The entire context of the paragraph is about prophecy, and we know well that women are not only allowed, but actually instructed to prophecy (whenever the Lord truly speaks through one of them; but no women as elders / overseers / shepherds / pastors - only deacons and / or prophets).
Possibly some of the early church fathers (Bishop Victor?) found it useful to insert this into the Bible, in order to have order in their churches and to silence those women who would audibly argue with their husbands, or even interrupt the teaching elder.
More interpolations (mostly rather irrelevant for a proper theology) are found here: Hebrew Bible and Greek New Testament.
Manipulated Bible Verses
1. Concealment of the reason why THEOS rejected Cain's sacrifice.
Gen 4:3-7 in the Masoretic texts (most modern translations such as AMP, ESV, KJV, NASB, NIV, NLT, ...) reads: "And in the course of time Cain brought an offering from the fruit of the ground to Yahweh, and Abel also brought an offering from the choicest firstlings of his flock. And Yahweh looked with favor to Abel and to his offering, but to Cain and to his offering he did not look with favor. And Cain became very angry, and his face fell. And Yahweh said to Cain, "Why are you angry, and why is your face fallen?
7 If you do well will I not accept you? But if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. And its desire is for you, but you must rule over it."
The same verse in the Greek Old Testament reads: "And it was so after some time that Cain brought of the fruits of the earth a sacrifice to the Lord. 4 And Abel also brought of the firstborn of his sheep and of his fatlings, and THEOS looked upon Abel and his gifts, 5 but Cain and his sacrifices he regarded not, and Cain was exceedingly sorrowful and his countenance fell. 6 And KYRIOS the THEOS said to Cain, Why art thou become very sorrowful and why is thy countenance fallen?
7 Hast thou not sinned if thou hast brought it rightly, but not rightly divided it? be still, to thee shall be his submission, and thou shalt rule over him."
> While generations of pastors and theologians have (been) taught that we simply do not know the reason for THEOS having rejected Cain's sacrifice, we always had the precise reason given in the Greek Old Testament. Cain brought a sufficient sacrifice (as codified later in Exo 23:19, Num 18:12, 2Chr 31:5, Neh 10:35-37), but He did not divide it (as later codified in Deut 14:22-23, specifically in Deut 14:26, 29), either between THEOS and him, or between THEOS, him and others (no temple priests at that time). In short, he ate the sacrifice while having had the obligation to share it.
It was the sin of greediness / sacrilege (stealing of the sacred; see also the parallel account in the New Testament, in Act 5:1-4; knowing now also why Ananias and Sapphira had to die) what led after THEOS' respective rejection to the first murder of history.
It is not hard to imagine why Rabbis such as Rabbi Akiva manipulated this verse in the 2nd c. AD. IESOUS Himself called out the greediness of the Pharisees in Luk 11:39, and Gen 4:7 surely was a thorn in their eyes.
But it is a scandal that this had not been revealed decades or even centuries earlier, considering how many students of the Bible read the extra biblical Apostolic Fathers, where Clement quotes the precise passage from the Greek Old Testament.
Isa 9:6 reads: "For a Child is born to us, and a Son is given to us, whose government is upon His shoulder: and His name is called the Messenger of Great Counsel"
The same verse in the Masoretic text of Isa 9:6 reads: "For a Child hath been born to us, A Son hath been given to us, And the princely power is on his shoulder, And He doth call his name Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty G-d, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace."
> It is mysterious that the word 'Messenger' (AΓΓΕΛΟC MEΓAΛHC BOYΛHC · Aggelos Megales Boules · Messenger of Great Counsel) had been removed and that 3 names had been retroactively added (no matter how beautiful they are and how painful it is to miss those). Those words only appear in the Modern Hebrew text, but not in the Paleo Hebrew, nor were those quoted by Early Christians until after 325 AD.
It is highly probable that the 2nd-century Jews (Rabbi Akiva) knew well that the MESSIAH was the Messenger who appeared several times in the Old Testament (AΓΓEΛOC KYPIOY in Gen 16:7, Gen 22:11, Exo 3:2 and Exo 4:24; AΓΓEΛOC TOY ΘEOY in Exo 14:19, Num 22:21-35), and they therefore deleted the clearest reference and added 3 other titles in order to distract from the manipulation.
What they did not manipulate and what is the second clearest reference to CHRISTOS being the messenger, is the content of the blessing of Jacob to his grandsons in Gen 48:16 " ... the THEOS who continues to feed me from my youth until this day, the ANGEL [O AΓΓEΛOC · Ho Aggelos · The Angel] who delivers me from all evils ..." There is only one deliverer - no ordinary angel could deliver us in the way CHRISTOS can.
Mal 3:1 then eliminates any doubts, by stating: "Behold, I send forth my messenger, and he shall survey the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come into His temple, even the Angel of the Covenant [AΓΓEΛOC THC ΔIAΘHKHC · Aggelos Tes Diathekes], whom ye take pleasure in: behold, He is coming, saith the Lord Almighty. 2 And who will abide the day of His coming? or who will withstand at His appearing? ..."
3. Cainan included vs. removed
Gen 11:12-13 in the Masoretic texts reads: "When Arphaxad had lived thirty-five years, he fathered [missing "Cainan" in between] Shelah ..."
The very same verse in the Greek Old Testament reads: "And Arphaxad lived after he had begotten Cainan, four hundred years, and begot sons and daughters, and died. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years and begot Shelah ..."
> This missing Cainan effectively reduces the 77 generations listed in all our common Bibles in Luk 3:23-28 to 76 generations. Meanwhile, 1Chr 1:18 also references in the often excluded verses 18 to 23 the 'missing' Cainan, a fact described in more detail here. The historical development of the 'Cainan' skepticism can be found in the study 'Septuagint'.
>> In short - the Jews most certainly removed Cainan because he was the patriarch of the Samaritans (a fact mostly unknown today!) which they despised as we all know very well. <<
4. Genealogies
Gen 5:3 reads: "And Adam lived thirty and two hundred years." And he procreated a son according to his shape ...". It had been manipulated in the Masoretic texts of Gen 5:3, saying: "And when Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he fathered a child in his likeness, according to his image."
Gen 11:12 reads: "And Arphaxad lived a hundred thirty five years, and he procreated Cainan." The manipulation of Gen 11:12 reads: "When Arphaxad had lived thirty-five years, he fathered Shelah."
Gen 11:24 reads: "And Nahor lived seventy nine years, and he procreated Terah." The manipulation of Gen 11:16 reads: "When Nahor had lived twenty-nine years, he fathered Terah."
> In total, 64% of the begetting ages in the Masoretic (Modern Hebrew) texts of Gen 5 & 11 are manipulated, while only 36% coincide with the Greek Old Testament. This causes the biblical timeline to shrink by approx. 1500 years (~5500 BC to 4000 BC) and causes an overlap of up to 11 generations perfectly visible in all our Bibles, what sometimes even causes pastors to preach that Noah's son Shem would have met Abraham and even Jacob in person, who is Shem's great-gt.-gt.-gt.-gt.-gt.-gt.-gt.-gt.-grandson in the 11th generation (12th generation in the Septuagint).
If we took the biblical details sufficiently serious (and the writing of Moses not partly as myth), we would have discovered such botched attempts of manipulation centuries earlier. Generations of scholars have erroneously believed the 2nd century texts redacted by Rabbi Akiva and his disciples to be the ancient Hebrew texts, and today's generation of scholars still has difficulties in admitting this colossal error. More details in the study 'Septuagint'.
5. Flood dates, Abib (Nisan) 27th vs. Abib 17th
Gen 7:11 reads: "In the six hundredth year in the life of Noah, during the second month, on the twenty-seventh of the month, on this day all the springs of the deeps burst forth, and the waterfalls of the heaven were opened". The manipulation of Gen 7:11 reads: "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened."
Gen 8:4 reads: "The ark ran aground in the seventh month on the twenty-seventh day of the month on the Ararat mountains". The manipulation of Gen 8:4 reads: "In the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat."
> The fact that both texts of Gen 8:14 coincide again in the 27th of the first month of the following year, makes it clear that the Greek Old Testament resulting in exactly 360 days of a biblical year are superior to the difference of 370 days in the Masoretic texts (see Rev 11:3 and Rev 13:5 for the proof of the biblical 360-day-year). While the Genealogies had been manipulated in order to distract from the Messianic prophecy, no reason has been found so far for the manipulation of the flood dates.
6. Jacob's house of 75 vs. 70 family members
Gen 46:27 reads: "And the sons of Joseph who were born to him in the land of Egypt were nine persons. And the persons of Jacob's house who came into Egypt were seventy-five". The manipulation of Gen 46:27 reads: "And the sons of Joseph who were born to him in Egypt were two persons. All the persons of the house of Jacob who came to Egypt were seventy".
Exo 1:5 reads: "But Joseph was in Egypt. And all the souls of Jacob were seventy-five". The manipulation of Exo 1:5 reads: "And all those who descended from Jacob were seventy individuals, and Joseph was in Egypt".
> Both Act 7:14 and the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal the manipulation of the Masoretic text by repeating the number 75.
7. CHRISTOS worshiped by THEOS' angels
Deu 32:43 reads: "Rejoice, ye heavens, with Him, and let all the angels of THEOS worship Him [CHRISTOS]; rejoice ye Gentiles, with His people, and let all the sons of THEOS strengthen themselves in Him [CHRISTOS]; For He will avenge the blood of His sons, and He will render vengeance, and recompense justice to His enemies, and will reward them that hate Him ..."
The Masoretic text of Deu 32:43 cuts out the entire reference to THEOS' angels worshiping CHRISTOS: "Sing out, you nations, about His people! [entire sentence with 'angels' cut out] For He will avenge the blood of His servants. He will render vengeance to His adversaries and make atonement for the land of His people."
> The parallel passage of Heb 1:6 clearly confirms that CHRISTOS the firstborn is the One meant to be worshiped by THEOS' angels. Rabbi Akiva hated CHRISTOS and even named another messiah. We have to urgently reverse his manipulations and go back to what the Bible really says about CHRISTOS.
8. Crucifixion, CHRISTOS pierced vs. killed by a lion
Psa 22:17 reads: "For many dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked doers has beset me round: they pierced my hands and my feet."
The manipulation of Psa 22:17 reads: "Dogs are all around me, a pack of villains closes in on me like a lion my hands and feet. [watered down]"
9. Warning against false Sabbaths vs. warning removed
Amo 6:3 reads: "Ye who are approaching the evil day, who are drawing near and adopting false Sabbaths ..."
The manipulation of Amo 6:3 reads: "You that put off the day of disaster and bring near a reign of violence!"
> It is clear from the New Testament that Jews followed many extrabiblical feast days, which the prophet Amos and CHRISTOS spoke against, but the 2nd century Jews simply removed this warning.
Old Testament Quotations
Translation: "Who has known the mind of KYRIOS, and who has been His counselor? [...] 14 [...] Or who gave first to Him, and it will be repaid to him?"
Translation: "For who has known the mind of KYRIOS, or who has been His counselor?" 35 "Or who gave first to Him, and it will be repaid to him?"
Romans 11:35 is in most Bibles erroneously associated to Job 41:3, but it clearly refers to the longer text of Isa 40:14 which is found in: Codex Sinaiticus (S*), Codex Alexandrinus and three other Alexandrian manuscripts (26-86-106), a handful of Lucianic manuscripts (90-36-46-233), all Catena manuscripts (C´' -566), several manuscripts that Ziegler classifies as mixed (198 239-306 407 449-770 534 538), the Coptic translations, and one Syriac version. The scribe(s) of the Codex Vaticanus removed this passage from Isa 40:14 !
New Testament Quotations
The book of Acts shows us a good example for a certain liberty between quotations and the fact that the Bible informs us sometimes gradually about certain events.
Here we find within the same book and from the same author (Luke) different snippets from the very same conversation of Saul with IESOUS CHRISTOS. While Acts 22 adds the first detail to the conversation, we find in Acts 26 a significant part of the conversation, which is not yet included in the original account of the conversation in Acts 9.
Original account (Act 9:4-6):
Quotation / retelling #1 (Act 22:7-10, Addition Act 22:10):
Quotation / retelling #2 (Act 26:14-18, Addition Act 26:14, 16-18):
Interpreting Scripture
1. Always go back to the original Greek text, even if you do not speak Greek (although Greek should be the very first preference for any Christian, before learning any other foreign language). With today's richness in theological tools, we do not have any excuses to not trace the meaning of sentences and words to their root.
- Excellent tools are Greek Interlinear Bibles such as the Apostolic Bible Polyglot (ABP), the unsurpassed Marvel.Bible (OT, NT) and Scripture4All.
- Kata Biblon and Strong's concordance are tools for specific words, the latter being included in the free e-Sword, available online and as mobile application.
- If you want to see the original Greek text of the whole Bible, then visit the Consolidated Bible, developed and hosted on this website.
- Do rather not support tools that require upfront payment. But on the other hand do not neglect to freely give to the creators of those tools as indirectly commanded by Scripture.
2. Do not neglect grammatical tenses (Past-, Present- or Future) and even sometimes question translations. A good example is Mar 8:34, which is commonly translated with the command to 'follow me'.
Mar 8:34 (EBR): "And calling near the multitude with His disciples, he said unto them - If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and be following me."
The correct translation ('be following' or 'keep on following') reveals to us that 'to follow' is not a one-time event, but a continuous action (Imperative, Present, Imperfective = Progressive)!
Mat 6:33: "But be seeking first the Kingdom of THEOS and His justification, and all those will be added to you."
3. Understand the passage by reading the context; ponder on the meaning (= biblical meditation).
4. Differentiate between descriptive / informative passages (e.g. Gen 22:1-14, Rut 3:6-13, Acts 2:44–47 and Act 28:3–5) and prescriptive passages / specific guidance for us (e.g. Exo 20:2-17, Mat 5:2—7:27 and Mat 28:18–20).
5. Avoid creating false absolutes / reading man-made conclusions into the text.
- We should e.g. not claim that no rainbows existed, just because it appeared at one moment in time as a sign to Noah. Neither should we claim that it did not rain for 2200 years until the Flood of Noah, just because the Bible stated that it had not rained in the first week (Gen 2:5). We also have both springs that water the earth, and rain(bows) today.
- We should never claim that the laws were first given to Moses, while ignoring countless references to laws and / or transgressions of those, which predate Sinai by up to 2200 years (Gen 3:6, 17, Gen 4:8-9, 13, Gen 9:25, Gen 20:2, Gen 35:1-4), Gen 34:27, Gen 9:6, Exo 10:16, Gen 12:17, Gen 20:9, 18, Gen 26:10, Gen 39:9). Even Moses himself judged already before Sinai 'the ordinances of THEOS and His law' and his father-in-law encouraged him to delegate this specific task (Exo 18:15-16).
- We should not make the giving of the HOLY SPIRIT at the Pentecost (Act 2:1-41) even more special by claiming that this was the first contact of the world with the HOLY SPIRIT. He was previously given at the day of CHRISTOS' resurrection to His disciples (Joh 20:22-23), came in the OT upon people to perform divinely appointed tasks (Exo 31:3, Exo 35:30-31, Deut 34:9, Jdg 3:10, Jdg 6:34, 1Sam 11:6, 1 Sam 16:13-14, Luk 1:17), Samson killed lions under the direct influence of the SPIRIT (Jdg 14:6-19), David proclaimed in the SPIRIT (Act 1:16), the 70 elders received the SPIRIT (Num 11:25), Joseph was a man 'in whom is the Spirit of THEOS (Gen 41:38) and the SPIRIT was already present before the creation week even started (Gen 1:2).
Even if certain topics in the Bible are not absolutes, they are still very special.
6. Avoid selective reading.
- A prime example for this is 1Cor 11:1-34, a chapter of which the first half (Head Coverings) is rarely touched in today's church, while the second half (Communion) of it is frequently read.
- Just because there are 3 examples of naked prophets (1Sam 19:24, Isa 20:1-2, Mic 1:8), this does not nullify the natural order to not even show our nakedness to anyone except our spouse.
- Just because the Bible recounts 2 examples of men with long hair (Nazirite vow in Num 6:1-5, Samson in Jdg 13:5, Jdg 16:17-19; Absalom in 2Sam 14:25-26), this does not nullify the natural order that men should not have very long hair (1Cor 11:14; 2Sam 18:9) and women long or very long hair.
- Just because IESOUS ministered 3 times to the Nations (see the Canaanite & Syrophonecian woman in Mat 15:22 & Mar 7:26; the Samarian leper in Luk 17:17-18); the Roman centurion in Matt 8:5-13; possibly not the feeding of the 4000 where the people group is unclear), this does not mean that He would have departed from His announced rule that His ministry (until His resurrection) was only to Israel (see Mat 15:24).
- Just because 2 out of 7 Sabbath of Sabbaths (Annual Feasts) began at sunset (Passover in Deut 16:6 and Num 9:5, and the Day of Atonement in Lev 23:32), we cannot extrapolate those 2 (or maybe 7) exceptions to a general rule for all weekdays including the Weekly Sabbath. An ordinary day starts always with sunrise (Luk 24:29 alone proves this; see also 1Sam 19:11, Exo 29:39, Lev 22:29-30, Num 11:32, Mat 28:1, Mar 27:45, Joh 19:20 et al.).
- Just because the Bible sometimes gives us the Hebrew meaning of a word (Joh 5:2, 19:13, 19:17, 19:20, 20:16, Act 21:40, 22:2, 26:14, Rev 9:11, 16:16), this does not nullify the Greek language as lingua franca of the Mediterranean. Just because IESOUS (Mar 5:41-42, 7:34), Paul (Act 21:37-40, 22:1-2, 26:14) and Mary (Joh 20:15-17) specifically pointed out when they spoke Hebrew (/Aramaic) words, this does not change the fact that they usually spoke Greek (see the study 'Greek Old Testament' for more details about this 'bold' claim). It is most importantly the language in which the Christian Bible was delivered to us (Greek OT & NT) and the language for nearly all early translations into other languages.
When we seek to understand and apply Scripture, we should always "accurately handle the Word of truth" (2Tim 2:15). But "sometimes we have so 'domesticated' the faith, we've 'tamed' the Scriptures ... to where it only says what we want it to say ... and we only focus on those things that we want to focus on. [...] People who love G-d do not sort through G-d's Word" (Quote from Milton Vincent, Min 52:53).