* The word 'discernment' (Strong's G1253 diakrisis = Discernment, distinguishing, judgment) is found in 1Cor 12:10 and Heb 5:14.
"But solid food
is for the mature,
those having trained the faculties
by constant practice, to discern
both good and evil."
Heb 5:14
T he Discernment List
Who are problematic teachers we have to be aware of?
This very comprehensive, but at the same time highly condensed booklet consolidates what more than 4000 linked articles reveal about more than 250 problematic teachers, movements & organizations, and cults & religions of our modern day. It also reflects on some historical figures that influenced Christianity decisively for the bad. The list intends to put an end to time-consuming, widely scattered and complex discernment, and to be a one-stop source to be shared with those being under the influence of false teaching.
Very few readers will not be challenged through this list! Prepare yourself prayerfully. May THEOS take any prejudice, pride and spiritual veil away, and give you strength to separate in spiritual and practical ways from problematic teachers. Once being edified, then consider this non-exhaustive list also as a prayer list - ask THEOS to reveal the full truth to those teachers still being alive, and to lead them to be a good influence in the future. Very few will actually change, but one converted teacher alone can influence thousands or even millions.
* Last updated on FEB 21, 2025. Download the list for clickable links. View outdated links at web.archive.org. Please contact me for the inclusion of your materials (if you are a discernment minister), or for additions, updates on repented teachers, and corrections (all readers).
- A Personal Note -
Why do I dedicate part of this ministry to discernment? Formerly, I would have rather seen discernment as something unbiblical, unloving and unnecessary. But my first years in North American churches and the deeper study of His Word changed this dramatically.
Little did I know when looking before my departure from Colombia (South America) for a church in Vancouver (Canada), that THEOS would send me into one of the most spiritually fallen cities of the western world, where not long ago the infamous Message 'Bible' was written, and once the infamous Hinn family settled and entertains part of their ministry until today.
I joined a major church that propagates the Prosperity G‑spel, a concept I had previously not even heard of in my younger years in Europe. THEOS opened my eyes through a popular (curiously enough Calvinist) documentary on the Prosperity G‑spel, to leave soon after for good. The second experience involved a Pentecostal church with beautiful fellowship, but where Past Salvation was strongly connected to the gift of tongues I do not possess, and where I was once gently nudged backwards during a prayer and refused to fall into the hands of a waiting catcher. In the following months I regularly visited churches that preach Calvinism and at the same time promote Catholic mysticism, two opposing concepts I also never heard of, but soon discovered being strongly unbiblical. Each departure was accompanied by an urgent warning from THEOS - but to my puzzlement preceded by THEOS' unmistaken encouragement to join the respective church. Previously a mystery for me - now having become clear in the benefit of this ministry.
THEOS had me attend since my childhood Independent, Baptist, Evangelical Free, Mennonite, Pentecostal and Calvinist churches in Germany (~1981-1998), Colombia (2012-2017) and Canada (since 2017). The overall result is now a traditionally minded Christian who is pro-church but no longer associated with any particular denomination. I am grateful for this diversity of experience, that helped me to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of various Christian ~traditions~.
I initially set up in 2019 an anonymous website that is still active today, but had in those early days of discernment a surprisingly real spiritual warfare - with sleepless nights and much prayer. I was honestly scared how hard the enemy attacked my efforts and had to occasionally pause this part of my ministry for several weeks, in order to gather mental strength.
Then finally in 2022, I took the courage to merge both ministries by adding this section, and to consecutively add discernment on Books, Movies and Music I previously listed without having the sufficient discernment. It was a difficult journey and I had to develop certain mechanisms in order to protect myself from spiritual harm. I sometimes lamented why He assigned me this burdensome part of my ministry, but I am now grateful to have acquired this knowledge & even wisdom, while not becoming bitter or hateful at the same time, but simply seeing this evil as a part of THEOS' masterplan. I pray that you may benefit from this knowledge - and love your brothers, sisters -and especially leaders- enough in order to share this when you see them falling prey to those problematic teachers and / or movements.
Excerpt from the previous list - Why Mainstream Judaism has little to nothing to do with biblical Judaism -
Identification of False Teachers
How do we distinguish good from evil? How do we identify problematic teachers? What are some good techniques / principles that help us discern?
Do never trust someone simply
because he teaches a great deal of truth,
but includes problematic teachings. Such a teacher
is precisely the one to do you harm. Poison
is always most dangerous when
mixed with good food.
"If the Bereans were commended
for checking Paul out against the Scriptures (Acts 17:10-15)
then we should check everybody out."
T ypes Of False Teachers
What does the Bible say about the different types of false teachers? Learn about the characteristics and biblical descriptions of Abusers, Anti-Christs, Charlatans, Dividers, False Prophets, Heretics, Prosperity / Word-Of-Faith Teachers, Speculators and Ticklers.
Comparison of Bible-Based Translations
A globally connected world and the rise of the Internet have created beautiful possibilities for spreading the Good Message and for better Bible translations, but at the same time has enabled Charlatans to spread their distortions of the Holy Bible. Let us not be intimidated by terms such as 'Paraphrase' or other man-made justifications of evil, and simply compare verse-by-verse.
See also my own 'Translation Methodology' for the Consolidated Bible, with a more technical comparison of Bible translations.
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
A book which should be read by every Christian at least once in a lifetime. We will see a similar persecution, if history is forgotten and the current tendency of Ecumenism continues.
Read a striking excerpt from the chapter ' How the Inquisition at Madrid was Destroyed':
* 90MB file size. Sumatra PDF is a free & very fast reader with a great navigation.
** Public domain. Foxe, John, John Milner, and Ingram Cobbin. Foxe's book of martyrs: a complete and authentic account of the lives, sufferings, and triumphant deaths of the primitive and Protestant martyrs in all parts of the world, with notes, comments and illustrations. London: Knight and Son, 1856. Pdf. https://www.loc.gov/item/91113882/.
Flame In The Wind
The film equivalent to 'Foxe's Books of Martyrs' is 'Flame in the Wind'. This movie is set in the splendor of the Spanish Inquisition and is a gripping drama of heroic Christian faith. Carlos, an earnest young nobleman, faces a choice: the church system offer safety, protection, and respectability; but the Scripture offers Christ and salvation from sin and with these, torture and death.
My brothers,
if anyone among you
should wander away from the truth
and someone turns him back, he should
know that the one who turns a sinner back from
the error of his way will save that person's
soul from death, and will cover over
a great number of sins.
Jam 5:19-20