Cults & Religions
"As we have said before,
so now I say again: If anyone is preaching
to you a Good Message contrary to the one you received,
let him be accursed. For am I now seeking the approval
of man or of THEOS? Or am I trying to please man?
If I were still trying to please man,
I would not be a servant of CHRISTOS."
Gal 1:6-10
Religions Using the Christian OT / NT
Denomination which developed from the practices, liturgy, and identity of the Church of England following the English Reformation.
1 See below the discernment on King Henry VIII, who founded the Church of England.
2 Attending the Eucharist at a broad-church parish nowadays is likely to be similar in many respects to a contemporary Roman Catholic Mass. [1] [2]
3 Some Anglicans recite the Rosary and Angelus, are involved in a devotional society dedicated to 'Our Lady' (the Blessed Virgin Mary) and seek the intercession of the saints. [1]
4 Widespread support by dozens of Church of England bishops to allow clergy same-s*x civil marriages. Many of the clergy are practicing homos**uals, and many are connoisseurs of child p*rn. [1] [2]
5 An Anglican service will include readings from the Bible and some passages from the Apocrypha. [1]
6 Anglo-Catholic practices, particularly liturgical ones, have become more common within the tradition over the last century. In 1974 the Church of England and English Roman Catholics, Baptists, United Reformed, and Methodists agreed to form a national commission for discussions of the possibility of practical reunion. [1] [2]
King Henry VIII, (1491-1547 AD; Founder of the Anglican Church)
1 He was awarded the title Defender of the Faith by Pope Leo X for his written attacks against Luther. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2 He was a devout Catholic, who only founded his own -thankfully slightly less Catholic- church because the Pope excommunicated him after not having approved his divorce and remarriage. [1] [2]
3 He had 6 marriages (1-Catherine of Aragon, 2-Anne Boleyn, 3-Jane Seymour, 4-Anne of Cleves, 5-Catherine Howard although betrothed to another man, 6-Catherine Parr) and several adulterous long-term relationships. [1]
4 He had executed approx. 2.6% of the population of England (between 57,000 to 72,000 executions). [1]
5 He executed two of his wives. He ordered an expert swordsman from France to come kill his second wife Anne Boleyn. Within 24 hours of her death, he was betrothed to his third wife. [1]
6 Extreme gluttony, he weighed 180 kg when he died. [1]
A major branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of religious practice set down by Augustine and more fully developed by John Calvin.
1 Calvinism was preceded by, and primarily inspired by Augustinianism (Calvin quoted Augustine 4,119 times in his works), which on the other hand was an (in)direct product of Manichaeism, an outmost evil sect, known back then as the pinnacle of Gnosticism (see below for details).
Augustine 'converted' after 9-10 years from Manichaeism to Christianity, but only under enormous pressure, precisely after the Roman emperor Theodosius had issued a decree of death for all Manichaean monks and shortly before he declared Christianity to be the only legitimate religion for the Roman Empire. Augustine officially renounced Manichaeism, only to return years later to some of its teachings. It is not surprising that the Scriptures used by Manicheans are the very same ones used by Calvinists. [1] [2] [3] [4]
2 Even the 'notable' Calvinistic scholar and historian, Loraine Boettner, admitted, "This cardinal truth [Calvinism] of Christianity was first clearly seen by Augustine."
Talbot & Crampton wrote "The system of doctrine which bears the name of John Calvin was in no way originated by him ..." B. B. Warfield declared, "The system of doctrine taught by Calvin is just the Augustinianism common to the whole body of the Reformers."
For the first ~400 years of Christianity, its teachers, preachers, apostles, evangelists and theologians taught 'historic traditionalism' without a deterministic theology. Borrowing from Manichaeism, Augustine brought strong determinism and their terminology of the 'elect' into the church. [1] [2] [3] [4]
3 Manipulation of Scripture in order to justify their theology of the 'elect'. Calvinist scholars and teachers change the following words / phrases to mean the word 'elect': 'world' (~20 Bible verses), 'whosoever/all' (~16x), 'every man' (~6x) and 'everyone (~3x). In no case is there anything in the text to justify substituting for 'elect'. [1]
4 Calvinism requires and promotes itself through academic / advanced / higher knowledge. The Bible says that even a child can grasp THEOS' truth.
5 While Calvin speaks a lot about THEOS' sovereignty and justice, he takes no account of THEOS' other attributes such as His love and mercy. Not once in the nearly 1,300 pages of his Institutes does Calvin expound upon THEOS' love for mankind or attempt to explain how THEOS, who is love, could take pleasure in damning billions whom He could save if He so desired. [1]
6 Calvinism is constantly undermining the need for evangelism (because it is at odds with election); it converts it into an unloving work without genuine love and motivation. Hyper-Calvinists would go as far as to forbid the preaching of the Good Message and the offer of salvation to the non-elect. [1] [2] [3]
7 Rejection of the biblical concept of prevenient grace and free will leading to salvation (Puppet Theology). Mark Driscoll went as far (in the common overemphasis of 'grace') to say that Noah was saved by grace only and that his salvation had absolutely nothing to do with faith or righteousness, directly contradicting 'Gen 6:9 ... Noah was a righteous man'. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
[6] [7]
8 Claim that man cannot respond / consent to THEOS' call unto Salvation! "G‑d autonomously determines the desires and choices of people to accept Him" ('Unconditional Election' = Random Selection). Claim that belief is not a pre-condition to Past Salvation. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9 Claim that THEOS predestined unbelievers for hell. Calvin in his Institutes: "I say with Augustine, that the Lord has created those who, as he certainly foreknew, were to go to destruction, and he did so because He so willed." [1]
10 Propagation of the unbiblical 'Once-Saved-Always- Saved' theology ('Unconditional Salvation'). Very common claim that unrepented sin does not endanger Future Salvation !!! [1] [2]
- Biblical: Possible shipwreck (Perseverance of faithful saints). Calvinism: No possible shipwreck (Perseverance of all saints, Once-Saved-Always-Saved).
- Biblical: Prevenient grace + response through believer (Conditional Election). Calvinism: Grace only + no response (Unconditional Election, Sovereign Grace).
- Biblical: CHRISTOS came to save the world. He died for all men (Universal Atonement). Calvinism: CHRISTOS came to save the elect. He died only for the elect (Limited Atonement).
- Biblical: CHRISTOS is the Light of the World. Calvinism: CHRISTOS is the Light of the Elect.
- Biblical: A believer can reject the grace of THEOS (Resistable Grace). Calvinism: A believer cannot reject the grace of THEOS (Irresistible Grace).
- Biblical: Free Will & Foreknowledge. Calvinism: No free will, predestination only.
- Biblical: THEOS shows benevolent love to unbelievers and complacent love to believers. Calvinism: THEOS hates unbelievers and loves believers only.
11 The TULIP memory tool was created by Dordrecht at the Synod of Dort in 1619 (Total depravity of man, Unconditional or sovereign election by THEOS, Limited atonement of IESOUS CHRISTOS, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the saints).
Dave Hunt sums it up perfectly in his free book 'What Love is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of G-d':
"Indisputably, the phrases represented by the first four letters in the acronym TULIP never appear in the Bible. Never does the Bible say that men are by nature incapable of believing the G‑spel or of seeking G-d. Never does it say that a select group is chosen unconditionally to salvation, or that grace is irresistible, or that Christ died only for an elect. Never is sovereign regeneration taught as preceding faith in Christ.
The Calvinist cannot produce for any part of TULIP a clear, unambiguous statement from any part of Scripture! ... Never does Scripture declare that G-d desires billions to perish and that it is His good pleasure (and even to His glory) to withhold from them salvation. Never is G-d's love limited to a select group whom alone He desires to save.
In contrast to a few verses that Calvinists must strain to support TULIP, hundreds proclaim plainly G‑d's love and desire for the salvation of all." [1] [2]
12 The Presbyterian theological professor Herrick Johnson admitted: "Across the Westminster Confession could justly be written: "The Good Message for the elect only." That Confession was written under the absolute dominion of one idea, the doctrine of predestination. It does not contain one of the three truths: G‑d's love for a lost world; Christ's compassion for a lost world; and the Good Mesage universal for a lost world." [1]
13 Calvinism typically includes amillennialism (following once again Augustine), interpreting Bible prophecy in Revelation allegorically and rejecting a literal millennium which plainly contradicts the idea of the elect. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
14 Arminianism, which is closer to THEOS' truth, is their stereotype enemy and part of a strategic system of a false dichotomy, the suggestion that a believer has only two options. Spurgeon in 'Lectures To My Students' [see also my book review]: "I was afraid the people might veer towards Antinomianism, an extreme as dangerous as Arminianism." [1] [2] [3]
15 The unbiblical doctrine of Cessationism is particularly associated with Calvinism (especially since Warfield, but reaching back to Augustine who was a Cessationist).
Calvinist Sam Waldron goes in the 2023 documentary 'Cessationist' as far as to open war within their own rows, by discrediting the Calvinists D.A Carson, John Piper, Sam Storms and Wayne Grudem as having 'reformed inclinations only' simply because they describe themselves as 'open but cautious' (so as to say 'Second-class Calvinists' in his eyes; they even use the repentance of Sam Storms from Cessationism to discredit him). This brutal intimidation within their own rows shows that they are divided even on that issue. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [see also the movie review of 'Cessationist']
- Biblical: Emphasis on Revelation. Calvinism: Revelation often neglected, theology overemphasized.
- Biblical: Emphasis on Supernatural Direction. Calvinism: Denial of Supernatural Direction, direction comes rather from eloquence and human reasoning.
Cessationism is only slowly opposed by New Calvinists. Most Calvinists teach that Spiritual Gifts have ceased, very similar to Pharisees who constantly rejected miracles ... and who had also a ...
16 ... very strong emphasis on uniform appearance and an unwritten dress code for public appearances (which goes often as far as to coordinate suit colours and ties). [1] [2] [3]
17 Tendency towards spiritual racism. Elitist and often condescending attitude. They very often, if not regularly deem themselves more intellectual than others. Widely influenced by Spurgeon who regularly 'called names' and showed little humility. [1] [2] [3] [4]
18 Apartheid was founded on, empowered and blessed by Calvinism. [1] [2]
19 Common reduction of the Weekly Sabbath to a Typology and Any-Day-Sabbatism. Erroneous categorization as 'Ceremonial-', although the day itself is Moral Law. [1] [2]
20 List of 'CALVINIST / REFORMED COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, AND SEMINARIES' by Lighthouse Trails Research Project. [1]
21 Followers of Calvinism include: Alistair Begg, Allie Beth Stuckey, B.B. Warfield, Bruce Ware, Carl Trueman, Charles Spurgeon, Collin Hansen, Costi Hinn, D.A. Carson, Darrell Harrison, David Powlison, Doreen Virtue, Doug Wilson, Emeal EZ Zwayne, Francis Chan, Gabriel Hughes, George Whitefield, Gloria Furman, Greg Gilbert, Greg Koukl, J.C. Ryle, J.D. Greear, J.I. Packer, James K.A. Smith, James White, John Gill, John Knox, John MacArthur, John Owen, John Piper, Jon Bloom, Jonathan Edwards, Joni Eareckson Tada, Josh Buice, Joshua Harris, Justin Peters, Justin Taylor, Kevin DeYoung, Ligon Duncan, Loraine Boettner, Louie Giglio, Marcia Montenegro, Mark Dever, Mark Driscoll, Martin Lloyd-Jones, Matt Boswell, Matt Chandler, Melissa Dougherty, Michael Horton, Michelle Lesley, Owen Strachan, Paul Tripp, Paul Washer, Phil Johnson, R.C. Sproul, Randy Alcorn, Ray Ortlund, Rick Warren, Rosaria Butterfield, Russell Moore, Sam Allberry, Sinclair Ferguson, Steve Lawson, Susan Heck, Tim Challies, Tim Keller, Todd Friel, Tom Ascol, Tom Schreiner, Tony Reinke, Tullian Tchividjian, Voddie Baucham, Warren Wiersbe, Wayne Grudem, Zack Eswine ... [1]
Ministries: Albert Mohler,,, Christian Answers for the New Age, Desiring G-d, ForTheG‑, Founder's Ministry, Got Questions, (John MacArthur's Grace To You), Josh Harris (, Just Thinking, Living Waters (mostly),, Monergism blog, The G‑spel Coalition, Truth for Life (Alistair Begg), Wayne Grudem, Wretched, WWUTT/pastorgabe ...
22 Even though today's Calvinists often oppose the Charismatic & Pentecostal movement, we ought not forget that the Pentecostal movement was strongly shaped by the Dutch Lutheran & Reformed minister Harald Bredesen, who was often called the father of the charismatic movement. He was friends with Pat Robertson and founded with him the 'Christian' Broadcasting Network (CBN, 700 Club), after having introduced him to the Pentecostal experience of the ~Baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT~. [1] [2]
Calvinist-Catholic Connection
A connection that should not exist because of two seemingly opposing doctrines, but that to our surprise initiated with Augustine, and is gaining momentum today.
1 Augustine (354–430 AD) was at the very same time responsible for most of Catholicism's -AND- Calvinism's doctrines and practices.
He taught the 5 points of TULIP and Double Predestination.
He was Preeminent Doctor of the Catholic Church, patron of the Augustinians, believed in all seven Catholic Sacraments, Immaculate Conception, no forgiveness outside the RCC. It can be concluded that the Roman Catholic Church itself has a better claim on Augustine than do the Calvinists. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2 The RCC included ~50% (7 books) of the OT Apocrypha in the Latin Vulgate, shortly after Pope Damasus and Augustine were the 2 decisive figures in canonizing the Apocrypha. Although Jerome's Vulgate was used for more than 900 years almost exclusively (meaning there was no Bible that ever included the full Apocrypha until then), the Reformers suddenly included 100% of the OT Apocrypha (+14 books in the Matthew Bible, +11 books in the Luther Bible). The Reformers disguised it as a separate section and under the pretext of removing those books at a later point, but it turned out to have been a lie, after the Geneva Bible (character of a Calvinist manifesto) included more than 4 decades into the Reformation again +12 books. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3 Very strong promotion of Catholic Mysticism in North American Calvinist churches and through The G‑spel Coalition (TGC) network. The author of this ministry has visited several Calvinist churches in Canada, and found without exception a very strong and specific promotion of Mysticism, propagated through books and courses, and to a certain degree in sermons. Most of those churches are active members of the TGC network.
4 Very specific and sometimes unbalanced attacks of Calvinists against the Roman Catholic church (e.g. documentary 'American G‑spel'). Although with often good and biblical intentions to 'go to the truth', it can overall be clearly recognized as an odd and questionable attempt in order to distract from its common background.
5 Very high prevalence of reformed publications that are quoting Catholic saints and doctors (Aquinas, Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux (by Spurgeon), Chrysostom, Irenaeus, Jerome, Teresa de Avila (see mysticism) ...).
6 The editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, Mark Galli, is probably the best modern example for the interlacement of Roman Catholic 'disciplines'. Initially a Presbyterian (Calvinist) pastor, he moved over to Anglicanism and the Episcopal Church, before officially announcing in 2020 his Roman Catholicism. [1]
7 Thomas Aquinas was a Catholic doctor and taught Calvinistic doctrine. Martin Luther was both an Augustinian & Calvinist (rejection of free will) until the end of his life. [1] [2]
8 The G‑spel Coalition and Timothy Keller promote(d) both the RCC and Calvinism. [1] [2] [3] [4]
9 Doreen Virtue is baptized in an Episcopal church where still today the Catholic mass is held, and goes as 'Calvinist' (see separate discernment list).
10 Nancy Pearcey, who is one of the megaphones for Neo-Calvinism (see book 'Total Truth'), also heavily endorses Roman Catholicism and Catholics as 'men of G‑d' and 'sincere Christians'. [1]
11 Proponents of the mostly catholic practise of Lectio Divina sit in Calvin's churches, such as John Piper, N. T. Wright and Timothy Keller. [1] [2]
12 The popular ghostwriter Elizabeth Sherrill was Episcopalian (most probably also Freemason), and highly endorses Calvinism in her books. [1] [2] [3] [4]
The Roman Catholic Church (RCC). The RCC possibly includes some genuine believers, but the institution itself and many of their doctrines are evil:
1 Religion based on the false claim that there is the biblical office of a pope and that Peter was the first pope. [1] [2]
2 [later than 110 AD] The post-mortem impersonation of Ignatius of Antioch (~50-110 AD; one of the Apostolic fathers) through the falsificated letters bearing his name, laid the foundation for the whole church. While the other Apostolic fathers correctly saw only 2 biblical offices (overseers, served by deacons), this letter proposed 3 offices (bishops served by overseers served by deacons), and this bishop office became then effectively the pope's office.
The letters already grant total control to this office (sanction of every sexual union; overseers ought to serve the bishop; nothing ought to happen without the bishop; eucharist invalid without the bishop et al)." [see the book review of the 'Apostolic fathers' with specific quotes affirming each point; see also the letter ascribed to Clement of Rome including 'Apostolic Succession'!]
'Ignatius' was the very first to coin the term 'Catholic' in those letters, showed deeply ingrained antisemitism, successfully proposed to abolish the Weekly Sabbath based on that antisemitism and converted martyrdom into a spiritual achievement.
The following quote elevates the bishop as G‑d and degrades IESOUS to a servant role: "Be zealous to do all things in harmony with [First rank] G‑d, and the bishop presiding, in the place of G‑d, and [Second rank] the presbyters in the place of the council of the Apostles. And [Third rank] the deacons who are most dear to me entrusted with the service of Jesus Christ, who was made manifest at the end of time."
3 The Roman bishop eventually rose to supremacy, due to the power and influence of the Roman emperors. After the western half of the Roman Empire collapsed, the popes took on the title that had previously belonged to the Roman emperors -Pontifex Maximus. [1] [2]
The title Pontifex Maximus appears in inscriptions on Catholic Church buildings and on coins and medallions. The official list of titles includes 'Supreme Pontiff of the whole Church' (in Latin, Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis) as the fourth title - a direct offense against IESOUS CHRISTOS as the only head of His (true) church.
4 [~250 AD] The first hints of Catholic Mariology are found in the writings of Origen, who first used the term Theotokos (Mary the mother of THEOS). He lived in Alexandria, Egypt, which happened to be the focal point of Isis worship, a mother-goddess religion similar to Catholicism. [1] [2]
5 [since ~300 AD] Prayers for the dead. [1]
6 [306 AD; officially 1115 AD] Celibacy of priesthood, leading to a wave of abuse of minors. 1Tim 4:1-3 "Now the SPIRIT expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage ..." [1] [2] [3] [4]
7 [313 AD] The true birth of the Roman Catholic Church occurred, when Constantine had 3 visions of the gods Apo**o, Vict**a and lastly of a 'CHRISTOS', ~converted~ to Christianity and merged state and religion. Now the Roman Catholic Church began to rapidly expand under their suddenly unlimited possibilities and the financial support by the Roman government. [1]
8 [321 AD] Sunday instead of the Weekly Sabbath is declared as sacred for Roman Catholics. [1]
9 [325 AD] The first church-wide council in history, the Council of Nicea, produced the first church-wide creed to be signed under compulsion. Constantine banished into exile the 5 local church representatives who would not sign the creed. [1] [2]
10 [325 AD] Celebration of a strongly modified version of the Passover and late dedication to the Anglo-Saxon goddess Ēo*tre. The practise of Lent (both Easter and Lent instituted at Nicaea) further turns upside down the schedule leading to the Passover Week, is interrupted by a day dedicated to (excessive) drinking and eating (St. Patrick's instituted by the RCC, and is a blatant violation of Mat 6:16-18, the command to wash your face and to certainly not show off ashes on one's forehead. [1]
11 [366 AD] First Pope of the Apostolic See of Rome, later to be erroneously claimed in direct succession to the Apostle Peter. What Catholics often use to win people to their religion ("we are the only ones who have true historic faith connected to the beginning of Christianity"), actually results in a long list of adultery, gambling, incest, murder, orgies, prostitution, satanism, witchcraft et al. amongst the Popes. Roman Catholic history is not a flagship, but a shipwreck. Today's popes might have a different image and less visible scandals, but the spirit behind has not changed in the least. [1] [2]
12 [370 AD] Veneration of dead saints. [1] [2] [3] [4]
13 [405 AD] The probably most profound transgression in the history of the Christian Church: Change of our Bibles from the Greek Old & New Testament, to the Modern Hebrew Old Testament. For 5-6 centuries (2/1 c. BC - 5/6 c. AD), the Greek Old (and New) Testament was the undisputed Bible text read by the church and almost exclusively used for translations, until Pope Damasus's secretary (Jerome, who at first also worked from the Greek OT) established a precedent for later translators by using the Hebrew texts. He suddenly broke all traditions and foisted in Rabbi Akiva's manipulated Modern Hebrew ~original~, which only centuries later turned out to not be the original, a fact very rarely admitted by today's scholars, having since significantly complicated biblical exegesis, having diminished or erased many messianic prophecies and having shrunk the creation date by ~1500 years. [1]
14 [405 AD ] Inclusion of 7 Ecclesiastical Books (Deuterocanonicals: 1 & 2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, Sirach, Wisdom, and Baruch), while 6 other Ecclesiastical Books (Letter of Ieremias, Manasses, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon and 3 & 4 Maccabees) are not included. [1]
15 [390 AD] The Mass, a daily re-sacrificing of IESOUS CHRISTOS. Often Catholic laity excuse themselves that they supposedly do not re-sacrifice CHRISTOS. But the Catholic guidelines (Catechism of the Catholic Church / Catholic Encyclopedia / Council of Trent) plainly state that the Eucharist is a sacrifice and a propitiatory in itself and therefore intends to repeat CHRISTOS as ultimate sacrifice and propitiatory.
"If any one saith, that the sacrifice of the mass is only a sacrifice of praise and of thanksgiving; or, that it is a bare commemoration [clear opposition to the Bible] of the sacrifice consummated on the cross, but not a propitiatory sacrifice; or, that it profits him only who receives; and that it ought not to be offered for the living and the dead for sins, pains, satisfactions, and other necessities; let him be anathema." (Trent: On the Sacrifice of the Mass: Canon 3). See also transubstantiation below. [1] [2] [3]
16 [425 AD] Marian dogmas / glorification of Mary. Later immaculate conception of Mary (that she was born without original sin and was a sinless woman; but only IESOUS was sinless) and assumption of Mary into Heaven. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Mediatrix: "Term applied to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who is said to be a co-redeemer with Christ. In Catholic practice, Mary is often the mediator between men and Jesus, it being suggested that she is more merciful and that her Son in heaven would refuse her nothing."
"Catholics claim that the church is a family, and because Mary is a member of that family, it is legitimate to ask her to pray for you. But the fact that she is deceased turns this into what the Bible calls necromancy or contacting the dead. Necromancy is considered a serious violation in Deuteronomy." [6-quotes]
17 [575-593 AD] Purgatory, a kind of death cleansing. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
18 [609 AD] The very first celebration of 'All Hallow's Eve' (Hallow-een = Holy Evening before All Saints Day) occurred in 609 AD, when Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon in Rome (Pan-theion = '[temple of] all gods') to the Virgin Mary. [1] [2]
19 [790 AD] Worship of images and relics. [1] [2] [3]
20 [960 AD] Canonization of catholic (patron) saints. [1] [2]
21 [1075 AD] Greatest mass divorce in history forced upon clergy by Gregory VII. [1] [2]
22 [1190 AD] Indulgences have the power of 'decreasing the duration of time the dead spend in Purgatory'. [1] [2] [3]
23 [1215 AD] Waldensians, the first reformers (long before Luther), had been declared as heretical, been persecuted and many of them killed by the Catholic Church. The estimate is that between 10-20 million Protestants were killed by the Catholic Church between 1550-1870. [1] [2] [3]
24 [1215 AD, probably much earlier] Transubstantiation of bread and wine, calling IESOUS down to their altar. [1] [2] [3] [4]
25 [1545 AD] Council of Trent - Rome turns finally from the authority of THEOS' Word to authority of tradition. Tradition made equal in authority to the Bible. Justification by faith condemned. [1]
26 [1942-1949] Organization of the 'Rat-lines' (World War II) , also called 'monastery routes' by the US secret service, which were systems of escape routes for German nazis and other fascists fleeing Europe from 1945 onwards, supported by rogue elements in the Vatican and planned by the Franciscan priest Draganović and the Austrian Catholic bishop Alois Hudal, with direct involvement of Pope Pius XI. The two primary routes led from Germany to Spain to Argentina; another from Germany to Rome, via Genoa, to South America. Hundreds of war criminals fled, and many of them lived temporarily inside the Vatican and a nearby seminary !!! The Red Cross office in Rome issued passports and often paid the costs of the ship crossings. The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Buenos Aires (Caggiano) himself sailed first class with the first war criminal to Argentina. [1] [2] [3] [4]
27 [1954 AD] Official Catholic teaching (Ad Caeli Reginam), issued by Pope Pius XII, stating that Mary is called Queen of Heaven! [1] [2]
28 [1992 AD] Publication of catholic catechism; no salvation outside the Catholic Church. [1]
29 [2016 AD] Pope Francis invented new beatitudes, while saying that those "were needed for today's modern Christians. One of these new beatitudes he presented that day was 'Blessed are those who see G-d in every person.' This panentheistic statement lines up with the New Age, not with biblical Christianity. 'Pope Offers New Beatitudes For Saints of a New Age' was then the title of the respective article of the Catholic News Service." [1] [2]
30 [2019 AD] Open promotion of a One World Religion. Pope Francis signed in 2019 a covenant with Islam leaders. The official Catechism, p. 230 says "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful G-d, mankind's judge on the last day." [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
31 Removal of the 2nd Commandment (No graven images) [1]
32 Antisemitism. The RCC persecuted Jews for the most time of its history. More than 100 official anti-Semitic documents have been issued by the RCC throughout its history. Today their official position has changed, but it still took the Vatican 46 years after Israel's independence to recognize them as a state. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
33 Official doctrine that suicide does not exclude from Salvation: "We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives." [1]
34 Institutionalized infant baptism. [1]
35 Long list of ~72 unbiblical holidays which are clearly forbidden in Gal 4:9-10. List of programmed and obligatory fasts, and the requirement of abstinence from certain foods. [1] [2]
36 Endorsement of Evolution. [1]

Founded in 1879 in New England by Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910). It is widely known for its highly controversial practice of Spiritual Healing (Set of beliefs and practices which rejects medicine and doctors).
1 Requirements for members include the daily study of the Bible and 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures'. This book, written by Eddy in 1875, is their central text and outlines the theology of Christian Science. [1] [2]
2 They deny that IESOUS is THEOS in flesh. [1] [2]
3 It has increasingly been perceived as an antecedent of the development of feminism in the religious world. While not a 'feminist', Eddy was clearly 'liberated', assigned strong females to key leadership positions, and taught that the spiritual equality of men and women must have political and social effects. [1]
4 They (Daily Lift) are behind '', where many highly problematic authors and personalities are endorsed.
The promotion for the app reads: "Over 100 uplifting authors. C.S. Lewis • J.R.R. Tolkien • St. Augustine • Amy Carmichael • Martin Luther • Mother Teresa • Billy Graham • Christine Caine • A.W. Tozer • G.K. Chesterton • Bonhoeffer • Shakespeare • Spurgeon • Dickens • and more."
This reads like a hall-of-fame of the most problematic teachers. [1] [2] [3]
Self-declared 'middle way between Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions.
1 The American version of the Anglican Puritan church. See also separate discernment on 'Anglican church'. [1]
2 According to their tradition, the 12 Apostles were the first bishops of the Church, and all the bishops throughout history up until now are their successors in this role. [1] [2]
3 It was an Episocpalian priest (Pauli Murray, venerated in the Episcopal Church!), who founded in 1966 (together with the 'notable Catholic feminist Elizabeth Farians and others) the feminist National Organization for Women and campaigned already two years later in 1968 to abolish head coverings for women, previously worn throughout all the denominations for thousands of years. We know today that their campaign was highly successful and that most denominations have suddenly dropped the biblical mandate and clung to the Methodist Adam Clarke's popular legend that it was only a local custom in Corinth. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4 Female pastors / priests make up at least 33% of all the priests (2017). Many churches (e.g. St. John the Evangelist in New York; see [4]) have even predominantly female leadership today. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5 Widespread support of same-s*x civil marriages. Many of the clergy are practicing homos**uals. [1] [2] [3] [4]
6 Presidents of the US, who were at the same time confirmed Freemasons and Episcopalians: George Washington, James Monroe, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gerald Ford. Probably also James Madison. [1] [2] [3]
7 Veneration of saints. [1]
8 Significant opposition to Biblical Creation and endorsement of Evolution. [1] [2]
Secret society which is anti-Christian and satanic in its root.
1 They deny the substitutionary atonement of CHRISTOS. [1]
2 They deny the immortality of the soul. [1]
3 They deny that a person exists after death. [1]
4 They deny the existence of hell and eternal punishment. [1]
5 They deny the existence of the fallen angel Lucifer as the devil. [1]
6 Mormonism (Joseph Smith) is a religion found upon, and deeply intertwined with Freemasonry. [1] [2] [3] [4]
7 The Southern Baptist Convention has a strong prevalence of Freemasons in their ranks (14% of SBC pastors and 18% of deacons in the 1990s). [1]
8 Freemasons include: 14 Presidents of the US, Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking), Owen Barfield ... [1] [2]
9 Freemason authors include George G. Ritchie, Pat Robertson, Ron & Deborah Hall ...
Pastor Ock Soo Park and translator Joseph Park, headquartered at Seoul, South Korea.
1 At least 7 mainline Protestant denominations have -officially- stated in between 1985 and 2008 that GNM is a cult. [1] [2] [3] [4]
2 Ock Soo Park wrongly claimed to have been ordained by Dick York. York rejected this notion. [1] [2]
3 OSP claims to have received rewards which do probably not even exist: 1. Gran Prize for the New Korean, 2. New Leader in Christianity, 3. The True Minister Award, 4. 21st Century True Shepherd. [1] [2]
4 On the one hand they show false humility (Stories such as "only two students showed up to our first meeting [6]", OSP: "I was so poor that I stole wheat grain from the field"), while at the same time trying to impress through the high-ranking officials and presidents OSP met, or through (partly unreasonable) numbers: 800 000 participating pastors from >70 countries, 215 branches in 95 countries, broadcast on 655 tv stations in >125 countries, adviser to national presidents, 51 meetings with 29 heads of states in 23 countries, a best-selling author of numerous publications and books (his books have almost no ratings both on Amazon and Goodreads [see2&3]) ... [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5 His 2020 book 'It Is G‑d That Justified', although promoted on TV, has only 22 Amazon ratings (2024). It claims to be a book of sermons heard by 1 billion people, from the 'most influential and renowned preacher today'. [1]
6 Unbiblical teachings regarding sin, no need for ongoing repentance. They teach that there is no good in humans, only continual evil [3]. Pastors who claim that we have both good and evil, are wrong ... They base this on Gen 6:5 and Rom 7:19 [see 4]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7 Taught the unbiblical doctrine that John the Baptist transferred the sins of the world to IESOUS at His baptism. [1] [2]
8 Claim that the prodigal son left his father to run his own business. [1]
9 Promotion of a 'Mind education' (IMEI) program with the help of politicians . Claim to be the "best mind educator of the age" (OSP) and "the best organization in the world". They call it a "baby-formula" [1], without it the Bible would be too difficult to understand and "there is no one to listen to it". [1] [2] [3] [4]
10 IMEI teaching: The fundamental cause for divorce and other problems is a weak heart, which can be overcome by a 'change of the mind' [1]. They even give tips for remarriage, and do not treat it as sin.
11 The director of IMEI Canada & Public Relations Coordinator, Kristi Castro, studied at a private Jesuit university (Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles). [1] [2]
12 OSP's translator Joseph Park admitted publicly that OSP instructed him to translate more than he actually says, to 'fill the blanks'. [1]
13 Tried for selling over-the-counter stocks of a bio company at unreasonable prices to some 800 church devotees. 3 others convicted, but not OSP. [1]
14 "If a man sees error in the group and resists it, he is deemed unfaithful. If he leaves, his wife is encouraged to be faithful to the group and divorce her husband. The members also are encouraged to go deeply in debt to finance the activities of the group." [1]
15 New York Times reported in 2012 the fake 'English Camp' for college students in Mexico, sponsored by GNM. The students were discouraged by security personnel from leaving. [1] [2] [3] [4]
16 Joshua Park created the Wikipedia page for OSP and criticism is continually being removed. [1] [2]
A monotheistic religion, originally based on Polytheism and centered around the Quran, a religious text revealed to Muhammad, their main and final prophet.
1 The Quran is plagiarized in parts from the Christian Bible and contains references to more than fifty people and events found in the Bible. Islam was founded ~600 years after the NT was written, meaning that the plagiarism is clearly attributed. [1] [2] [3]
2 Islam imposes its 7th-century Arabian culture in its political expression, family affairs, dietary laws, clothing, religious rites and in its language on the rest of the cultures of the world. [1]
3 In pre-Islamic Arabia, the sun god was viewed as female, and the moon was viewed as the male god. A***H, the moon god, was married to the sun god, and together they produced three goddesses called The Daughters of A***h. A***h was represented by a black stone that was believed to have come down from heaven. Muhammad was born into a tribe particularly devoted to this moon god called A***h. When Muhammad took control of Mecca, he destroyed all the idols in the Kaaba except the stone deity, A...h. Today, the symbol of moon worship, the crescent moon is on every flag of an Islamic nation and on top of every mosque. Yet many muslims don't even know why it is there. [1] [2]
4 Muhammad received revelations during which he would go into epileptic fits. He would shake, perspire and foam at the mouth. Clearly demonic. His revelations included the divine authorization to loot, steal and kill tens of thousands of people. [1]
5 After his supposed encounter with the angel Gabriel, he had suicidal thoughts, because he correctly thought it to be a demonic encounter with unclean spirits. But his first wife Khadijah and her cousin Waraqah convinced him that the revelation was from g‑d. A few days later Waraqah died. [1] [2]
6 He was married to Khadijah, Sawdah, Ais**h (7 years old at the wedding), Hafsah, Umm al-Masakin, Umm Salamah, Zaynab, Juwayriyyah, Umm Habibah, Safiyyah , Maymunah, Rayhanah, Mariah. Ais**h was his favourite wife, because he received his demonic revelations exclusively through her. In Islamic writings, her name is thus often prefixed by the title "Mother of the Believers" [1] [2]
7 False claim that the Qur'an was miraculously given to Muhammed over a period of 23 years. [1]
8 Muhammad could not write, nor did he receive divine help to write the Quran. [1]
9 Abrogations (Naskh, Tafsir) are used in order to hide contradictions in Islamic law or changes in Muhammad's doctrine. Their prophets could be influenced by Satan and then later receive better revelations ... Surah 2:106 states: "If We ever abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We replace it with a better or similar one. Do you not know that A***h is Most Capable of everything?" [1] [2] [3]
10 Rejection of the Trinity. Belief in one A***h. Shahada: "There is no deity but god, Muhammad is the Messenger of god". Teaching that THEOS has no son. [1] [2] [3] [4]
11 Although CHRISTOS is more often mentioned than Muhammad (Surah 19:16-33; 4:171; 3:45; 5:110; 6:84-87), and the mother of CHRISTOS is more often mentioned than the mother of Muhammed, Islam still degrades IESOUS to a prophet only, and denies His divinity. Replacement of IESOUS with Muhammad as A...h's final and greatest of all prophets ...
Surah 5:116 states: "And ˹on Judgment Day˺ A***h will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides A***h?" He will answer, "Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen." [1] [2] [3] [4]
12 Muhammad, in order to appease the merchants of Mecca (who made tremendous amounts of money by people coming there on pilgrimages), put this requirement into Islam (5th pillar of faith) as part of his religion. [1] [2] [3]
13 Muhammad was poisoned by a widow, whose husband he had murdered. Paul the apostle was bitten by a poisonous snake (Acts 28:1-6), but Paul suffered no ill effects from the bite. [1]
14 The declared mission of Islam is to kill first those who keep the Saturday (Jews), then those who keep the Sunday (Christians). They go as far as to say that their resurrection cannot come until all Jews will have been eliminated from the face of the earth. Sahih Muslim Book 4 #79-81 states "The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews." Clear abuse of Revelation 6:12-17 (6th seal): "16 And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the LAMB, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" [1] [2] [3] [4]
Surah 5:51 states: "O believers! Take neither Jews nor Christians as guardians - they are guardians of each other.1 Whoever does so will be counted as one of them. Surely A***h does not guide the wrongdoing people." Jews and Christians are sometimes called the descendants of apes and pigs. [1] [2] [3]
15 Barbaric treatment of women. Women are often considered property and denied ownership. 75% suffer female circumcision in a most barbaric, painful ritual designed to make them obedient and docile. They must wear what illiterate nomadic tribes wore in 7th century Arabia, covered from head to toe. Women who dare to drive a car, are called 'red communists, dirty American secularists, whores and prostitutes and advocators of vice', and their names, occupations, addresses and phone numbers are distributed in leaflets at mosques and public places. [1]
A millenarian restorationist denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs.
1 The founder, Charles Russell, who grew up as Presbyterian, did not like the teachings of the trinity ("satan is its author"), of hell (only a grave) and eternal judgment. After meeting SDA author Nelson Barbour in 1876, he prophesied that IESOUS would return in 1874. Once failed, he switched the prophecy to the year 1914. Once failed again, he claimed that CHRISTOS had indeed returned as an invisible spirit, a ghost. False prophet.
He also divorced his wife. After his death, the Watch Tower said that he had been made 'ruler of all the Lord's goods'. [1] [2] [3]
2 His successor, Joseph Rutherford, was also a false prophet. He prophesied that the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would return visibly to the earth, and built for them a large palatial mansion in San Diego. After the patriarchs did not show up in 1929, Rutherford lived in the mansion. [1] [2] [3] [4]
3 His successor, Nathan Knorr, was also a false prophet. He prophesied the year 1975 to be the end of the age and that Armageddon would occur. [1] [2]
4 They deny the incarnation of CHRISTOS and therefore do not remember Passover (which is not required for Christians). They even reject IESOUS being THEOS, reject the HOLY SPIRIT being THEOS. [1]
5 They did their own Bible translation, the New World Translation, to make the Bible fit preconceived Witness theology. [1] [2]
6 Their organization fulfills the typical 'exclusivity signs' of cults: claim that they are THEOS' sole channel for truth; to reject them is to reject THEOS; only they can interpret the Bible and no individual is able to do so. [1]
7 They claimed for long that 144 000 people go to heaven. When they grew bigger than that number, they claimed that 144 000 go to heaven and the majority of witnesses find salvation on earth ... [1]
A religious order of clerics regular of pontifical right for men in the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome. Founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola and six companions, with the approval of Pope Paul III.
1 The Society of Jesus is consecrated under the patronage of Madonna della Strada, a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary (mother-goddess worship). [1]
2 One of the principle actors of the Inquisition, where hundreds of thousands of Christians had been tortured and killed. Jesuits assisted Charles V to advance persecutions with a bigger fury. 100,000 were massacred with unbelievable savagery. Some were chained to a stake close to fire and roasted slowly until their death; others were thrown into dungeons, whipped, tortured in wooden horses, before being burned. Women were burned alive, put into narrow coffins, trampled by torturers. Those trying to escape to other nations were intercepted by soldiers and massacred. See also the books 'Foxe's Books of Martyrs' [6] and 'Halley's Bible Handbook' [see 10; original without the passages removed by Billy Graham]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3 Jesuits also took on the brutal leadership during the Counter-Reformation, and became the most dynamic force in the Roman Catholic's Church's effort to rebuild its following, to regain much territory and crush the Reformation in France. [1] [2] [3]
4 The French philosopher and Catholic Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is known as the father of the New Age Movement. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5 Roman Catholic Jesuits such as Robert Ochs became students of the Enneagram, propagated its use at seminaries and spiritual retreats, and endorsed it as a tool for effecting personal change. [1]
6 A Jesuit was the forerunner for today's 'Social Justice' Movement. "Social justice appears to have been first employed in the early 1840s by an Italian Catholic theologian and Jesuit, Luigi Taparelli d'Azeglio." [1] [2]
7 The Jesuit priest Donald McGuire was convicted in 2006 after 40 years of horrific crimes to 25 years of prison. He sexually abused multiple children and is described as "perhaps the most egregious offender among American Jesuits". Long list of other scandals all over the world [see 2]. [1] [2] [3]
Active or Former Members Include
8 Henri Nouwen (He was a Jesuit and studied at the 'Jesuit Aloysius College' in The Hague), Pope Francis (First Jesuit to be elected Pope), Ronald K. Tacelli (Catholic priest in the Jesuit order) [1] [2] [3]
People Who Studied At Jesuit Institutions
9 Alfred Hitchcock, Bill Clinton, Denzel Washington, Donald Trump, Fidel & Raul Castro, Henri Nouwen, Kristi Castro (director of International Mind Education Institute Canada / Good News Mission; see above), Pope Francis ... [1] [2]
(In-) Direct Supporters Include
10 Ann Voskamp (her favourite book is 'Ignatius Prayer' from Hans Urs von Balthasar), Billy Graham (He bought after the death of the author the rights of 'Halley's Bible Handbook', and specifically removed all the research and warnings about the Jesuits), Carolyn Weber (heavily endorses a long list of Jesuit members and authors), Curt Thompson (promoted also the book 'Ignatius Prayer'), John Mark Comer (his spiritual mentor is a Jesuit which essentially makes him a Jesuit), Mother Teresa (support of McGuire), Teresa de Avila (her confessor was a Jesuit), Tyler Staton (Prayer of Ignatian Examen). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
1 Witness Lee (WL; born Li Changshou) expressed his ideas in more extreme and irrational ways than Watchmen Nee (WN; born Ni Tuosheng, or Nee T'o-sheng). [1]
2 No acceptance of books other than WL and WN in their churches. All teachings filtered through WL. [1] [2]
3 Limited use of the Bible, rather use of WL teachings and of a 'Recovery Bible', an attempt to selectively translate the Bible into terms and syntax which supports WL's transformation theology. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4 Both WL and WN teach that 'non-overcoming' Christians will not inherit the Millennial Kingdom, but will inherit what comes after that, having passed through a future (Protestant) Purgatory implying an extra-sanctification. [1] [2]
5 Contemptuous attitude towards other churches and denominations. Spiritual racism. 'Elitist club'. Common mindset that members should not marry Christians of other denominations. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6 They preach an Easy Believism, the Sinner's Prayer and calling on the name of 'Jesus' only (3x 'O Lord Jesus' and you are saved ...). [1] [2]
7 In 1967 WL started the 'Calling Out' (or 'Shouting') Movement. He said that the Age of the Word had ended, and now it was the Age of the spirit. Witness Lee taught that believers must 'eat the Lord' and the way to do this was by calling out or shouting his name. Calling out his name was the way to release the spirit in this Age of the spirit.
8 Rather modalistic / oneness concept of the Trinity. Some of their 'Shouters' took WL's questionable doctrine of the Trinity one step further and became complete modalists. These groups held that the FATHER became the SON and was no longer the FATHER; the SON became the SPIRIT and was no longer the SON. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9 Clever deception by way of doublespeak. [1] [2]
10 Countless lawsuits against critics. "I doubt that the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses combined have issued as many lawsuits and threats against evangelical Christians". [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
11 In 2003 - Jim Moran, founder of Light Of Truth Ministries, died suddenly of a 'heart attack'. [1] [2] [3]
2003 - Only weeks later, the LC took over both his websites, deleted one and redirected the other to a new website attacking critics. [Original - Redirected] [Original - Redirected, later deleted]
Earlier in 2000 - LC tried already to take ownership of the critical website . [1] [2] [3]
1998 - Hacker attack, most probably through LC. [1]
Splitter Group from Witness Lee - 'Church of the Almighty g-d' / 'Eastern Lightning'
1 The 'Church of Almighty G-d' is a splinter group of the 'Shouters', who were led by Witness Lee. [1] [2] [3]
2 The church is led by Zhao Weishan and his wife Yang Xiangbin, the latter who is defined by the group as 'Almighty g0d', and reincarnated 'christ of the Last Days'. [1] [2] [3] [4]
3 In their movie 'Where Is My Home (2017)', they read 3 times and in total for 15 minutes from a religious book which they disguise as 'bible', but in reality they see the Bible as obsolete record which "offers no understanding of the aims of g‑d's work" according to their website. [1] [2] [3]
4 In the movie, the wording 'I accept almighty g‑d's [Yang's] works of the last days. I will read his words thoroughly, and I will follow him.' constitutes a 'salvation'. [1]
5 They deny the Trinity and the redemptive work of CHRISTOS on the cross. [1] [2]
6 They speak evil of their Chinese government, in contradiction to Exo 22:27 and Act 23:5. [1] [2] [3]
7 All other Christian denominations have in their 'conclusion' lost the HOLY SPIRIT and His power is now concentrated in their church alone ... [1]
Branch of Protestantism that identifies primarily with the theology of Martin Luther, who reformed the theology & practices of the RCC.
1 Today's representation of Lutheranism / Calvinism as 'Reformation theology' that supposedly revived true Christianity is grossly inaccurate. Lutheranism never meant to go back to the Early Christianity of the Apostles, but it meant to go back to the early Roman Catholic Church (legalized by Constantine in 313 AD; Augustine soon later provided most of its doctrines). Luther was an Augustinian by training, and he continued to practice many of the core tenets of that version of Catholicism after his excommunication and until his deathbed. Little has changed to this day - this religion is still close to Catholicism and most Lutheran bodies have made efforts in the recent years to mend the 'breach' with the RCC. [1] [2] [3]
2 Their foundational document, the Augsburg Confession still viewed the Roman Catholic Church as the true Church, and those signing it claimed to be true Catholics. Several times that document refers to the steadfastness of the preparers' traditional Catholic faith, particularly in their stand for the real presence of CHRISTOS in the Eucharist (still accepted by Lutherans today) and for the regenerative power of infant baptism in opposition to the 'heretical Anabaptists'. Millions of Lutherans (and Calvinists) around the world remain under the deadly delusion that their baptism as infants made them children of THEOS fit for Heaven. [1]
3 Lutherans often adhere to 'divine' monergism, the teaching that salvation is by THEOS' act alone, and therefore reject the idea that humans in their fallen state have a free will concerning spiritual matters. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4 Lutheranism is the antithesis of 'Sola Scriptura'. While it pretends that the Bible is the sole source of religious authority, a strict application of Lutheranism would require to add 11 (!) Deuterocanonicals to the Bible and to even remove Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation from the Christian Canon (Lutheranism is at odds with the book of James as admitted by its founder, who disparaged the book)!
While Catholicism never added more than the 7 books which Pope Damasus and Augustine legalized (in great error), Luther (and most other Reformers) actually went beyond their Augustinian tradition and even increased this number to 11-14 books.
In nearly all discussions, we hear the unreflected argument that e.g. Luther separated those books, what usually silences the listeners. But even the Roman Catholic Church made a distinction between the Apocrypha and the other books of the Bible prior to the Protestant Reformation, a fact usually ignored. Most importantly, we rarely reflect on what THEOS actually thinks about the matter - if He would be impressed by such arguments. The very probable reality is, that it is entirely irrelevant in THEOS' eyes if those books are in a separate section or merged. Everyone will be held responsible at the Great Judgment who added any word in between the 2 covers of His Word. THEOS will not be impressed by human reasoning and excuses. [1] [2]
Gnostic sect founded by the prophet Mani (a name meaning 'King of Light' or 'Shining One'); the main opponent to early Christianity before the spread of Islam.
1 Manichaeism was known back then as the pinnacle of Gnosticism and was even used as synonym of heresy. [1] [2] [3]
2 Mani's teaching was intended to 'combine', succeed, and surpass the teachings of Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Marcionism, Hellenistic and Rabbinic Judaism and other religions and mystery cults. It reveres Mani as the final prophet after / the reincarnation of Zoroaster, the Buddha, and IESOUS. [1] [2]
3 His organized followers were divided into the elite of the 'chosen ones' (Latin electi), from which the officials were recruited, and the ordinary members of the community, the 'hearers' (auditores) and the 'sinners'. Augustine of Hippo was such a 'hearer'. [1] [2] [3]
4 "The hearers go on their knees before the elect, humbly begging the imposition of their hands. They join them in adoring and praying to the sun and the moon [...] they deny Christ's birth of a virgin and say that his flesh was not true flesh [...] they speak evil of the patriarchs and the prophets. They say that the law of Moses ... was not given by the true G‑d, but by the prince of darkness." [1] [2]
5 According to Mani, the unfolding of the universe took place with three creations. [1]
(United) Methodist Church (18c. AD-today; UMC: 1968 AD-today) [1]
Methodism originated as a revival movement within Anglicanism originating out of the Church of England in the 18th century, and became a separate denomination after John Wesley's death.
1 The United Methodist Church was a founding member of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, a pro-abortion group. [1]
2 The United Methodist Church ordains women pastors. [1] [2]
3 The United Methodist Church and other Methodists have extra biblical bishops which are above elders and pastors. This is the same abuse as seen in the Catholic Church, to a de facto position of a bishop as the head of the church instead of CHRISTOS, and to open an office which does not exist. [1] [2]
4 A Methodist was the key figure for the removal of head coverings. Adam Clarke's false claim, one very often repeated today - is that only prostitutes went around in public without a veil. [1]
5 John Wesley, the principal leader of early Methodism, wrote the heretical and idolatrous hymn 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing', which contains a conflation of the 'Sun' and 'Son' and includes the following: "Hail the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings." The hymn was later changed to 'Son of Righteousness'. [1] [2]
1 [Founded in 1820 AD by Joseph Smith] He received 'a personal visit from 'G-d the Father and Jesus Christ'. [1]
2 They claim that THEOS "has not always been the Supreme Being of the universe, but attained that status through righteous living and persistent effort." Rejection of the Trinity. [1] [2] [3] [4]
3 Believe that there are other gods and goddesses outside the Trinity, such as a heavenly mother. [1] [2]
4 Joseph Smith's father was a master mason. Joseph officially joined the Freemasons in 1842 (22 after founding the church). Soon after he became a Mason, Joseph introduced the temple endowment. There are some similarities between Masonic ceremonies and the endowment. [1] [2] [3]
5 In the same year 1942, several prominent LDS became Freemasons and founded a Masonic Lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois. Over 1500 members of the church were listed as freemasons in the city of Nauvoo alone at that time. At least the first 4 presidents of the LDS Church were confirmed Freemasons:Joseph Smith Jr, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff. [1]
6 They claim that the US is 'the Biblically Promised Land'. [1]
7 Mormons are taught that they are from the tribe of Manasseh or Ephraim and part of the true Israel (Melchizedek priesthood). [1] [2] [3]
8 Their leaders can 'speak scripture when moved upon by the Holy Ghost'. They added the Book of Mormon to the Bible. Joseph Smith fabricated a translation of a 'Book of Abraham', which was revealed to be false after the papyri had been found in 1967. [1] [2] [3]
9 The Bible is just one of their books of scripture, and is probably seen as the least valuable amongst their collection.
10 Teaches doctrines of eternal marriage ('Temple Marriage Sealing', a man will continue to have sex with his wives in heaven); eternal progression; blood atonement; baptism for the dead (they do genealogies on dead people and re-baptize themselves several times during a ceremony in order to 'save' those dead people); return of some of the dead as spirits or angels; polygamy / plural marriage (had been prohibited in the US but they continued in secret and even actively asked leaders with only one wife to marry other women). [1] [2] [3] [4]
11 All other Christian churches 'are an abomination'; the LDS church is the 'only true church on earth'; the Christian church was lost until it was restored to the prophet Joseph Smith ... [1] [2] [3] [4]
12 Promise of exaltation: if the Mormon is judged worthy enough (temple rituals et al.), he/she can attain godhood. IESOUS is their eyes just a bit more advanced on his way to g‑dhead. [1] [2] [3] [4]
13 Each Mormon has to prove every year that they paid the full tithes and offerings. Mormons call tithing their 'fire insurance'. Even children have to do e.g. delivery boy's jobs and meet with their Mormon leader and share tithes with them. [1] [2] [3] [4]
14 They lower the biblical age of accountability from 20 to 8 years and baptize children at that age.
15 They use water for communion. [1] [2]
16 Systematic racism, claim that black skin is a curse. Being black is being under the curse of Cain ... Smith and his successor Young both referred to this as a justification for slavery. [1] [2] [3]
17 Their churches ('temples') can only be visited with a 'Temple Recommend'. Even marriages conducted in a Mormon Church do exclude non-Mormon relatives. [1] [2]
18 They do not generally reference the cross and reject it as a symbol. [1] [2] [3]
19 They teach murder and a second adultery to be unforgivable sins, which clearly contradicts Scripture. [1]
20 Endowment is a two-part ordinance (ceremony) designed for Mormons to become kings, queens, priests, and priestesses in the afterlife. [1] [2] [3]
21 Mormon missionaries are only allowed twice a year to phone relatives and are not even allowed to visit the funeral of a parent. Once a week they are allowed to write handwritten letters. [1]
22 In Utah, the land of the Latter-day 'saints', there are more people on welfare than in any other state according to the population, and the divorce rate is among the highest. [1]
Doctrinal and jurisdictional group historically linked to the Eastern Roman Empire and Byzantium; its adherents live mainly in the Balkans, the Middle East, and former Soviet countries.
1 Their calendar includes 112 different fasts (!!!) during one calendar year, with each fast lasting from 1 to several days.
2 The Virgin Mary is venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church as the G‑d-bearer and honoured in devotions; heretical doctrine of the perpetual virginity. Common designations used are 'Theotokos' (Mother of G‑d) and Panagia (All-holy, or Most holy). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3 Use of many extrabiblical methods and traditions, such as the Hieratikon (the priest's service book used for Divine Liturgy, Vespers, Mattins, choir's handbooks, the Euchologion (services of Baptism, Marriage, Supplicatory Canons, Blessing of waters), peoples handbook (for laity) et al. [1]
4 Use of the Deuterocanonicals (Apocrypha). [1]
5 They consider church tradition and Scripture of equal authority, and discourage individuals from interpreting the Bible apart from tradition. [1] [2]
6 Prayers for the dead. [1] [2]
7 They teach the possibility of receiving salvation after death. [1]
1 Rooted in the teachings of John Calvin and John Knox (Calvinism). D. James Kennedy has said, "I am a Presbyterian because I believe Presbyterianism is the purest form of Calvinism." The Scottish Reformer, John Knox, credited with founding the Presbyterian Church, spent several years in Geneva and brought Calvinism to Scotland and to the Presbyterian movement. [1] [2] [3] [4]
2 Known for its liberal stance on doctrine and its ordaining of women. [1] [2] [3]
3 The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) welcomes g*y and l**bian persons to serve in leadership positions as ministers, deacons, elders, and trustees within the church. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4 The idea of 'Dominion theology / Seven-Mountain-Mandate' surprisingly originated within Calvinism (specifically through the Presbyterians Bill Bright and Francis Schaeffer at the Swiss mountain chalet L'Abri).
It is most commonly associated today with the New Apostolic Reformation, which are best represented by Bethel Church pastor Bill Johnson, who popularized this idea.
Other mouthpieces of the Dominion theology are the Neo-Anabaptist James Davison Hunter in his book 'To Change the World' [see 2; he heavily references Nancy Pearcey], Lance Wallnau and the Neo-Calvinist Nancy Pearcey in her book 'Total Truth'. [1] [2] [3] [4]
5 They passed a resolution labeling Israel an 'apartheid' state. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6 The founder of the Moonies, Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church), 'learned his craft' in the Presbyterian Church, wherein he was raised from the age of 10 to 26, until the church saw the consequences and hastily excommunicated him. [1] [2]
7 Presbyterian ministers include: Eugene Hoiland Peterson, R.C. Sproul, Timothy Keller. All are Calvinists. [1] [2] [3] [4]
8 The heretical 'Message Bible' was written by a team of Presbyterian scholars, consisting of Eugene Peterson, Moisés Silva ... (aside from other denominations such as Episcopalians). Furthermore, the highly problematic 'Amplified Bible (AMP)', which added significantly to the Word of THEOS, was written by the Presbyterian Frances Siewert. [1] [2] [3]
9 The founder of Jehova's Witnesses, Charles Russell, grew up as Presbyterian. [1]
Presbyterian Renewal Movement
10 Their evangelism program launched in the late 1980s was originally entitled 'New Age Dawning'. The name was subsequently softened to 'New Day Dawning'. The program, however, clearly reflects the New Age philosophy of "many paths to salvation". [1] [2] [3]
11 Writing in Christian Life Magazine in 1984, Robert L. Wise, a well-known pastor and leader in the Presbyterian Renewal movement, explained a "new method of prayer therapy", which he said was "pioneered in the mid-1960s by the doyenne of Episcopal renewal theology, Agnes Sanford". Wise told what happened when he first visualized 'Jesus' during a 'Healing of the Memories' session:
[...] Much to my amazement, I — an ordained Reformed clergyman with a doctorate in psychology — found this happening to me. An image of Jesus moved slowly toward me out of that dark playground. [...] The figure of 'Christ' reached over and lifted the bundle from my back. And he did so with such forcefulness that I literally sprang from the pew." [1] [2]
1 Use of manipulated Bible texts (Proto-Masoretic texts manipulated in <1% of its content and brought in by the Catholic Church through Pope Damasus and his secretary Jerome), although it is being affirmed by modern scholars that the Greek NT nearly always quotes from the Greek Old Testament. [1]
2 While most early teachers acknowledged a 5500 / 5000 BC creation date (1c. AD-Flavius Josephus, 158 BC-Eupolemus, 2c. AD-Hippolytus of Rome, 2c. AD-Theophilus of Antioch, 198 AD-Clement of Alexandria, 221 AD-Julius Africanus, 4c. AD-Eusebius of Caesarea, 4c. AD-John Chrysostom, 5c. AD-Augustine of Hippo, ~5-6c. AD Alexandrian World Chronicle, 7c. AD-Isaac the Syrian, ~1460 AD-Doukas ...), the Protestant church teaches today a 4000 BC creation date which hinders unbelievers to accept the Bible and rather pushes believers into the Evolutionist camp and to deny parts of the Bible. [1]
3 Significant contribution to the distorted picture of a CHRISTOS who came on the scene only after 5500 (4000) years and was neither involved in the creation, nor appeared multiple times as the Angel of KYRIOS. This notion has created an immense damage. Usually His eternity is pronounced, but He is treated as if He had absolutely no function until His First Coming. This is a tragic distortion of the Good Message, which starts with Genesis and not with Matthew.
Heb 1:1-3 "Long ago, at many times and in many ways, THEOS spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by His SON, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also He created the world."
CHRISTOS has created this world, and this most important fact alone would make redundant much of the books written about Creationism vs. Evolution. We want to 'sell' an easy G‑spel without the 'tense' Old Testament, but to throw out CHRISTOS from the OT creates infinitely more damage.
4 After the Catholic church included in the 4c. AD the number of 7 Deuterocanonical Books, the Protestant & Reformed Church increased this number to 10-14 books in the 15th - 16th c. AD (some fully merged, some separate section, but always printed in the Bible and not as separate book). Today 'Sola Scriptura' is being preached, but there was never any formal admission of guilt nor apology from any of the involved denominations or from scholarship, and history is constantly being blurred and prone to repeat itself. [1]
5 Widespread rejection of Paul as the author of Hebrews, imitating the heretic Origen, who was among the very few in his time to reject his authorship (and the first to heavily push the OT Apocrypha). [1]
6 Heavy reliance on Jewish Mainstream for the correct interpretation of the Bible. [1]
7 Predominant application of Old Covenant law through the practise of tithing, instead of free-will giving. [1]
8 Widespread refusal to apply the Moral Law by disobeying the Weekly Sabbath. [1]
9 Baptism is widely considered to be optional for Future Salvation (while it can either accompany or possibly succeed a Past Salvation). [1]
10 Very strong mentality against 'Works of Faith', one of several overreactions to the evil of the Roman Catholic church. 'Works of Faith' are nearly treated as 'Works of the Law' (no differentiation in most teachings) and 'Faith' is being separated from good works, although the Bible clearly intermeshes faith and good works. [1]
11 Widespread teaching of the highly unbiblical 'Once-Saved-Always-Saved' doctrine. The Good Message is cheapened for pagans through a rather 'Unconditional Security', while a 'Conditional Security' would much rather help believers to actively pursue the Faith.
Act 20:29-30 "I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them." [1] [2]
12 Widespread legitimation of divorce and remarriage, while neglecting the biblical concept of chastity. [1]
An Adventist Protestant Christian denomination which is distinguished by its observance of the Weekly Sabbath (Saturday).
1 Correct interpretation of the New Covenant law to obey the Sabbath (Saturday), but incorrectly making it a primary doctrine and applying the Jewish timing of sunset-sunset. [1] [2] [3]
2 SDA places restrictions on consuming meat, advocating vegetarianism. Kosher food laws. [1] [2]
3 Ellen G. White has some degree of importance to every Adventist. She rejected the concept of eternal suffering in hell. Adventists then adopted this as a key tenet. She wrote that the characteristics of the animals that you ate would become your personal characteristics. [1] [2] [3]
4 Heretical teaching of incomplete atonement through CHRISTOS. [1]
Official name: Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Other names:
- Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (historical), Moonies, One World Crusade, Unification Movement, Unificationists, Universal Peace Federation.
- Rally Of Hope, Think Tank, World Christian Leadership Conference.
- Unification Theological Seminary.
1 The founder of the Moonies, Sun Myung Moon, 'learned his craft' in the Presbyterian Church, wherein he was raised from the age 10 to 26, until the church saw the consequences and hastily excommunicated him. [1] [2]
2 Rev. Moon and his wife presented themselves as 'Messiahs', the 'True Parents' and the first to have children who were 'sinless'. Moon crowned himself the 'King of Peace' in 2004 and claimed to be the 'messiah' and 'savior' of the world; he also claimed that his wife is the 'holy spirit'. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3 Members are asked to donate money to save their ancestors' souls. Teaches that dead people can return to earth for a second chance to atone for some of their sins. [1] [2]
4 Their 'theology' denies the Trinity. [1]
5 They deny that IESOUS was raised from the dead. [1]
6 Strong focus on Ecumenism, including Buddhism. [1] [2] [3] [4]
7 Worship with guns. Moonie involvement with bribery, bank fraud, illegal kickbacks, tax evasion and arms sales. [1] [2]
8 The former US president Nixon, the CIA and Republicans support(ed) the cult simply because of their opposition to communism. The cult helped propel both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush into the presidency. [1] [2] [3] [4]
9 Donald Trump had a keynote speech at a Unification Church conference: "I want to thank the Universal Peace Federation and in particular Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, a tremendous person, for her incredible work". [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
10 Intended sale of Trump's property 'Mar-a-Lago' to the Unification Church. [1]
11 Promoted by Paula White (Advisor of Trump), who directly preaches the 'Mother Moon and Han' theology and wants to bring the "only begotten daughter of g‑d to America". [2] [3]
12 Sun Myung Moon founded the Washington Times. [1] [2] [3]
13 The Moon family owns the Tongil Group which produces heavy military equipment. [1] [2] [3]
> We should not put our trust in other religions or denominations, but only in IESOUS CHRISTOS. The Bible teaches that there is only one division, between CHRISTOS' church and evil. <
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