Discernment of Movies
Movies To Avoid
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90 Minutes In Heaven by Michael Polish
Agora by Alejandro Amenábar
An Interview with G-d by Perry Lang (Catholic / Jesuit movie)
A Return To Grace: Luther's Life and Legacy by David Battye
A Wish For Giants by Don Swanson
Beverly Hills Christmas by Brian Skiba
Blue Like Jazz by Steve Taylor
China Cry by James Collier, ft. Nora Lam (Presbyterian; visa sponsored by Kathryn Kuhlman; miracle healing services ...); she was exposed and admitted her lies
Caught by James Collier, ft. Billy Graham and his sermons
Cessationist by Les Lanphere, ft. Josh Buice, Justin Peters, Phil Johnson, Steven Lawson
Charge Over You by Regardt Steenekamp
Come Sunday by Joshua Marston
Cry from the Mountain by James Collier, ft. Billy Graham and his crusades
C.S. Lewis: Beyond Narnia by Norman Stone (promotion of C.S. Lewis)
Dogma by Kevin Smith
Evan Almighty by Tom Shadyac
Father of Lights by Darren Wilson, ft. Bill Johnson, Doug Addison, Greg Boyd, Heidi Baker, Kris Vallotton, Mike Bickle, Shawn Bolz, Todd White
Father Stu by Rosalind Ross (Catholic movie)
Finger of G-d by Darren Wilson, ft. Bill Johnson, Sid Roth
For Pete's Sake by James Collier, ft. Billy Graham and his crusades
For Such A Time by Alyse Merritt
Free Burma Rangers by Brent Gudgel, Chris Sinclair
Freud's Last Session by Matt Brown
Furious Love by Darren Wilson, ft. Greg Boyd, Kris Vallotton, Stacey Campbell
G-dspell by David Greene
Heaven Is For Real by Randall Wallace
Heaven's Door / Doorway to Heaven by Craig Clyde
Holy Ghost by Darren Wilson, ft. Heidi Baker, Bill&Brian&Jenn Johnson, Todd White
Jesus Christ Superstar by Norman Jewison
Jesus of Montreal by Denys Arcand
Kingdom of Heaven by Ridley Scott
King of Kings by Nicholas Ray (Catholic movie)
Last Days in the Desert by Rodrigo García
Lazer Us by Mann Munoz
Left Behind by Vic Sarin
Life of Brian by Monty Python
Living Water by John McDougall
lord of The Rings by Peter Jackson
Love Different by Anthony Hackett (Seventh-Day Adventist movie)
Martin Luther: A Return to Grace by David Batty (promotion of Timothy Dolan)
Midnight Stallion by William Dear
Miracle Man by Ted Jordans
Noah by Darren Aronofsky
On Angel's Wings by Aaron Williams
Only Once by Rocco DeVilliers
Paul, Apostle of Christ by Andrew Hyatt (Hyatt is a Jesuit, graduated from Loyola Mount U and leads Chi Rho Films, a name which points to Freemasonry; Jim Caviezel is also a Catholic)
Pocket Angel by Ken Dalton
Raising Izzie by Roger Bobb
Rescued by Brian Brough
Rescued by Ruby by Squire Rushnell, Katt Shea (Freemasonry)
Saint Maud by Rose Glass Martin Scorsese
Secret of the Cave by Zach C. Gray (Seventh-Day Adventists)
Send Proof by Elijah Stephens, ft. Bill Johnson, Ché Ahn, Heidi & Roland Baker, Shawn Bolz, William Craig
Silence by Martin Scorsese
Snow Angels by David Gordon Green
Son of G-d (2014) by Christopher Spencer
Sons of G-d by Immanuel Hazeleger, ft. Heidi Baker, Mike Bickel, Rick Joyner, Shawn Bolz
Surprised by Oxford by Ryan Whitaker
The Ark by Kenneth Glenaan
The Bible (2013 Miniseries) by Crispin Reece, Tony Mitchell, Christopher Spencer
The Blind Side by John Lee Hancock, with Sandra Bullock
The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel
The Chosen by Angel Studios (Mormon production; claim that IESOUS rehearsed (!!!) Sermon on the Mount)
The Chronicles of Narnia by Andrew Adamson
The Coming Convergence by Brent Miller
The Da Vinci Code by Ron Howard
The Heart Of Christmas by Gary Wheeler
The Last Temptation of Christ by Martin Scorsese
The Man from Earth by Richard Schenkman
The Meaning Of Life by Monty Python
The Most Reluctant Convert by Norman Stone (promotion of C.S. Lewis)
The Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson
The Prodigal by James Collier, ft. Billy Graham and his crusades
'The Promised Land' Series by Mitch Hudson (Assistant Director 'The Chosen')
The Shack by Stuart Hazeldine
The Soloist by Joe Wright
The Story of Ruth by Henry Koster
The Testaments: Of One Fold and One Shepherd by Kieth Merrill (Mormon production)
The Trump Prophecy by Stephan Schultze
The Young Believers by Jay Gerren
The Young Messiah by Cyrus Nowrasteh (based on Gnostic texts)
This Is The Day by Frank Pinnock
Time to Run by James Collier, produced as a Billy Graham evangelistic tool
Touched by an Angel by John Masius, with Roma Downey (Catholic Mysticism, New Age)
Turn Around by Brian Brough
What If ... by Dallas Jenkins
When the Game Stands Tall by Thomas Carter (Catholic school, director and actors)
Where Is My Home by Jiayun Huang, Jun Zhang
Actors & Producers To Avoid
Christopher Reece (Catholic productions)
Diogo Morgado (Roman Catholic; plays IESOUS in 'The Bible' and 'Son of G-d')
Gary Sinise (Catholic)
James F. Collier (Presbyterian; produced from the late 1950s - 1988 for Billy Graham's World Wide Pictures; Caught, Cry from the Mountain, For Pete's Sake!, Time to Run, Joni, The Hiding Place, The Prodigal)
John Lyde (Mormon)
Jonathan Roumie (playing CHRISTOS in the Mormon production 'The Chosen', Catholic prayer app 'Hallow', participation at the Catholic National Eucharistic Conference 2024)
Jon Gunn (Director/producer of the highly problematic movies: Do You Believe?, I Still Believe, Jesus Revolution, Like Dandelion Dust)
Mark Burnett (Roman Catholic; director of 'The Bible' and 'Son of G-d')
Mark Wahlberg (Catholic, Catholic prayer app 'Hallow')
Martin Scorsese (Catholic, made a movie for the pope)
Mel Gibson (Catholic)
Michael W. Smith (Catholic; 90 Minutes In Heaven, Left Behind, The Second Chance, et al)
Nicholas DiBella (Catholic; King's Faith, Wildflower)
Robert Duvall (Christian Science)
Squire Rushnell (Freemason)