Schools & Universities


Not many of you

should become teachers, 

my fellow believers, because 

you know that we who teach

will be judged more strictly. 

Jam 3:1

The Apprentice Gathering (Apprentice Institute, Things Above Podcast, Wichita, US) [1] [2] [3]

Founded by its director James Bryan Smith.

1 The Apprentice Gathering is "designed to inform and challenge attendees in the area of Christian Spiritual Formation". [1]

2 Speakers include a hall-of-fame of problematic teachers and authors such as Ann Voskamp, Curt Thompson (book 'Anatomy of the Soul'), John Mark Comer, John Ortberg, Ken Shigematsu, Ruth Haley Barton et al. [1]

3 Specific dedication to Dallas Willard. [1]

4 They created a Bachelor / Master of Arts in Christian Spiritual Formation (CSF). [1] [2]

Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (Redding, US) [1] [2]

Training in the Supernatural and Miracles, such as Faith Healing, in order that they may become Revivalists.

1 Organized, fabricated and man-sourced prophecy. [1]

2 Only God -through the Holy Spirit- gives the often temporary gift of prophecy to whom he chooses. We are not able to choose others or ourselves to become a prophet. There is also no indication in the entire Bible that people had been specifically trained to become prophets. 1Sam 19:20 and 2Kin 2:3 speak about prophets meeting as a 'group', but not as a 'school'. [1] [2] [3]

3 Students practise 'grave soaking', the belief of absorbing the deceased's anointing from God. [1] [2] [3]

Biblical [1]

Education through biblical and theological content at different academic levels.

1 Their website showcases the endorsement of John Mark Comer, Joni Eareckson Tada and James I. Packer. [1]
> This ministry contacted them in 03/2024 and 1. sent them the discernment on JM Comer and 2. pointed out a general error on their website. The error was corrected within 48 hours, while the endorsement of JMC remained untouched (last checked 08/2024).

2 Their professors include Bruce Ware, Gary Thomas, John Piper, Thomas Schreiner, Tim Mackie ... [1]

3 They teach Calvinism and several classes on Augustine, C.S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Eugene Peterson is heavily endorsed in their classes. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

4 They endorse in their library Bernard of Clairvaux, Brother Lawrence, Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, Teresa of Avila, without any discernment or warning. [1] [2] [3] [4]

5 Sales of Charles Spurgeon and Henri Nouwen books on their website. [1] [2]

Oral Roberts University (Tulsa, US) [1] [2] [3]

1 Pioneer of the Health & Wealth / Seed-Faith / Prosperity / Word of Faith - Gospel. [1] [2]

2 In January 1987, Roberts used an unusual means to increase donations. He introduced the television audience to a group of graduates from his university who are willing to go into worldwide missions if they bring in $4.5 million in new donations. God revealed to him that he would die in March if this mission could not be financed. His son Richard Lee underscored this message by urging the audience to save his father's life. [1] [2] [3]

3 Oral Roberts University was founded by Oral Roberts (American Charismatic Christian televangelist; one of the first to propagate the Prosperity Gospel; ordained in both the Pentecostal Holiness and United Methodist churches), and began admitting students in 1965. [1] [2]

4 Notable alumni of Oral Roberts University are: Jean-Luc Trachsel, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Joyce Meyer, Kari Jobe, Mike Bickle, Myles Munroe. [1] [2]

5 Connected to ORU are teachers such as Kenneth Copeland and T.D. Jakes. [1]

6 The makers of the 'He Gets Us' Campaign support(ed) Oral Roberts University with $41,500 (2015) / $17,000 (2020). [1] [2] [3]

7 Jack Hayford was one of the original officers and trustees of Charismatic Bible Ministries (CBM), founded by hyper-charismatic Oral Roberts. He also received a honorary degree from Oral Roberts University. [1] [2]

8 The founder of Transformation Church (Mike Todd), Bishop Carlton Pearson, had studied at Oral Roberts University and was the personal mentee of Roberts himself. [1]


Regent College (Vancouver, Canada) [1] [2] [3]

Interdenominational evangelical Christian College of Christian studies.

1 Teaching of Catholic Mysticism and Contemplative Prayer. Explicit promotion of Richard Foster and Richard Rohr (New Age). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

2 Their library holds 40 (!) books from Richard Rohr and 97 (!) books from Thomas Merton. [1] [2]

3 Included in the list of 'Christian Colleges that Promote Spiritual Formation' by Lighthouse Trails Research Project. [1]

4 Eugene Peterson was a professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent from 1992 to 1998. He wrote the heretical Message Bible from 1993 to 2002. [1] [2]

5 J. I. Packer (Calvinist and author of Evangelicals and Catholics Together) joined the faculty of Regent College in 1979. [1] [2]

6 Endorsement of RCC and particularly the Papacy "the Pope could easily have studied at Regent". [1] [2] [3]

7 Their newsletter included the display and promotion of nudity, which is systematic at the 'The Dal Schindell Gallery' at Regent College. [1] [2] [3]

8 Professor John Stackhouse Jr. was fired in 2023 from Crandall University in Moncton, N.B.. It turned out that he was during his 17-year tenure at Regent College repeatedly the subject of sexual harassment allegations. Regent fired him, but signed a NDA which (in-)directly enabled him later to abuse students at Crandall. [1] [2]

9 Shaila Visser, director of Alpha Canada, is a member of the Board of Governors. The Anglican Alister McGrath, who appears in the Alpha series, is a Teaching Fellow at Regent. [1] [2] [3]

Wheaton College (Wheaton, US) [1] [2]

Private Evangelical Christian liberal arts college. 

1 Only 2 out of the 200 professors on campus believe the Genesis creation account to be literal. [1] [2]

2 Billy Graham graduated at Wheaton. The College even includes a 'Billy Graham Center' which serves as the graduate school's main headquarters. The Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Museum contains exhibits about the ministry of Billy Graham. [1] [2]

3 Catholicism is deeply engrained in their college and specifically taught there [see 1, 2], while professors who become openly Catholic while teaching there, are fired in order to conceal their agenda [see 2]. [1] [2] [3]

4 The 'Wheaton in the Holy Lands' program has sent regularly in the past 40 years students to 'sacred sites' including Jerusalem, Galilee, Athens, and Rome, where students ought to explore the Vatican. [1] [2] [3] [4]

5 They teach Catholic Mysticism (through Scottie May), specifically Lectio Divina, Centering- and Contemplative Prayer. [1] [2] [3] [4]

6 The Marion E. Wade Center is a special research collection of documents primarily relating to 7 highly problematic teachers: C. S. Lewis and his wife (Anglicans), J. R. R. Tolkien (Catholic), G. K. Chesterton (Catholic), Dorothy L. Sayers (Catholic), Charles Williams (Catholic), Owen Barfield (Anglican, Freemasonry, Anthroposophy), and George MacDonald (Universalism) ... 

A Catholic blogger considers it already to be -a Catholic pilgrimage destination- [see 4]. [1] [2] [3] [4]

7 Wheaton tried to cover up a serious hazing incident and even hired a third-party investigator to discredit the victim's account of the incident. [1] [2] [3] [4]

8 They invited in 2015 and 2018 Timothy Keller to speak at their college. [1]

9 Problematic alumni of Wheaton include: Bart D. Ehrman (publicly opposes Christianity), Billy Graham, John Ortberg (Mysticism), John Piper, Mark Noll (teaches now at the private Catholic University of Notre Dame), Philip Yancey, Rob Bell, William Lane Craig (to no surprise also Theistic Evolutionist) ... [1] [2] [3] [4]

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