Illegit Ghostwriters


Who are authors who pretend to write their books?

The following list includes a snapshot of specific books and authors who promote their books as written by their hands, but employ ghostwriters
. The list does not consider how much of a book a respective ghostwriter has written. This dark figure can range anywhere from 99% to a lower two-digit figure, but the books shown here are rather found in the higher two-digit figures. The exclusive criteria is how the books are being promoted on the front covers and major sales channels, while ignoring the rather deceptive nature of the fine print.

This list can naturally not include the worst transgressions - all those 'authors' and ghostwriters such as T.D. Jakes who have signed NDA's (Non-Disclosure Agreements / Waivers), or those who have purchased like Mark Discroll their way into best-seller lists.

What might be acceptable in the world and be legal in a few countries, cannot be acceptable for those who call themselves Christians and/or write for CHRISTOS' church (Exo 20:16, Lev 19:11, Psa 34:12-13, Pro 6:16-19, Pro 12:22, Col 3:8-10). The acceptance of ghostwriters by Christian publishers has to cease. Ghostwriters and NDA's have caused an immeasureable harm to the body of CHRISTOS.

'Books - Ghostwriters Concealed

This section includes books whose author was concealed, meaning an intentional deception with no indications such as authored 'with / and'. ▼ For more details, click on the respective links. ▼


  • The Always G‑d: He Hasn't Changed and You Are Not Forgotten (2024, published by Multnomah), marketed as written by Jarrett Stephens, but written by Vince Antonucci (The Gates Group). [1] [2]
  • America's Dates With Destiny (1986, published by Thomas Nelson), marketed as written by Pat Robertson (Baptist & Freemason), but written by Mel White. [1] [2]
  • Approaching Hoofbeats (1985, published by W Pub Group, Thomas Nelson), marketed as written by Billy Graham (Baptist & de-facto Catholic), but written by Mel White. [1] [2] "By some insider estimates, 85 percent of the Rev. Billy Graham's books have been ghostwritten." [1]
  • Breakthrough to Your Miracle: Believing G‑d for the Impossible (2019, published by Chosen Books), marketed as written by Jason Noble (Assemblies of G‑d), but written by Vince Antonucci (who is mentioned within the book, but neither on the cover nor in the product description; The Gates Group). [1] [2] [3]
  • Contagious Faith: Discover Your Natural Style for Sharing Jesus with Others (2021, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Mark Mittelberg, but written by The Gates Group (Undisclosed Author). [1] [2]
  • Don't Give Up: Faith That Gives You the Confidence to Keep Believing and the Courage to Keep Going (2019, published by Baker Books), marketed as written by Kyle Idleman, but written by Vince Antonucci (The Gates Group). [1] [2] [3]
  • Faith Among the Faithless: Learning from Esther How to Live in a World Gone Mad (2018, published by Thomas Nelson), marketed as written by Mike Cosper, but written by The Gates Group (Undisclosed Author). [1] [2]
  • The G‑d I Love: A Lifetime of Walking with Jesus (2010, published by David C. Cook), marketed as written by Joni Eareckson Tada (Calvinist), but written by Wolgemuth & Associates Inc.. [1] [2] [3]
  • The G‑spel According to Jesus: What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "Follow Me"? (1988, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by John MacArthur (Calvinist), but written by Robert Wolgemuth (Wolgemuth & Associates Inc.). "It's a well known fact that John MacArthur's books are not written by John MacArthur, but by Philip R. Johnson at Grace Community Church." [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • Grace Is Greater: G‑d's Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain, and Rewrite Your Story (2017, published by Baker Books), marketed as written by Kyle Idleman, but written by Vince Antonucci (The Gates Group). [1] [2] [3]
  • The Hidden Enemy: Aggressive Secularism, Radical Islam, and the Fight for Our Future (2018, published by Tyndale Momentum), marketed as written by Michael Youssef (Anglican), but written by The Gates Group (Undisclosed Author)[1] [2]
  • How Now Shall We Live? (1999, published by Tyndale House), marketed as written by Charles Colson (Baptist), and Nancy Pearcey (Neo-Calvinist). Tyndale plainly lied when stating that "For seven years, Colson has labored on the capstone work of his distinguished writing career", and Chuck Colson said it is "the most important book I have ever written". In reality, Pearcey wrote more than half the book over a two-year period, and the ghostwriter Harold Fickett, who is not credited in the fine print, wrote 9 out of 45 chapters. [1] [2] [3]
  • Imagine the G‑d of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, G‑d's Revelation, and the Love You've Always Wanted (2023, published by Tyndale Elevat), marketed as written by John Burke, but written by Vince Antonucci (The Gates Group). [1] [2] [3]
  • Is G‑d Real? Exploring the Ultimate Question of Life (2023, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Lee Strobel (de-facto Catholic), but written by The Gates Group (Undisclosed Author). [1] [2] [3]
  • Lead Like It Matters: 7 Leadership Principles for a Church That Lasts (2022, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Craig Groeschel, but written by Vince Antonucci and Thomas J. Winters (Winters & King). [1] [2] [3]
  • One at a Time: The Unexpected Way G‑d Wants to Use You to Change the World (2022, published by Baker Books), marketed as written by Kyle Idleman, but written by Vince Antonucci (The Gates Group). [1] [2] [3]
  • A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and G‑d's Sovereignty (2010, published by David C. Cook), marketed as written by Joni Eareckson Tada (Calvinist), but written by Wolgemuth & Associates Inc.. [1] [2] [3]
  • The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most (2023, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Craig Groeschel, but written by Vince Antonucci and Thomas J. Winters (Winters & King). [1] [2] [3]
  • The Purpose Driven Church: Every Church Is Big in G‑d's Eyes (1995, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Rick Warren (Baptist & de-facto Catholic), but mostly prepared by Jack Kuhatschek. The book 'Prophet of Purpose: The Life of Rick Warren' reveals the following: "... Gundry and two of his associates from Zondervan showed up at Warren's next conference, which was held in Indianapolis late in 1993 [...] The following summer, Gundry and his associates flew out to Saddleback and met with Warren for three hours [...] I made the case that, 'Rick, you've got something to say that churches and pastors need to hear. But if you self-publish it you need to be aware that the suspicion will always be there that you published it because no one else would. We can add both credibility and value as we edit and market the book on your behalf.' [this is how their manipulation works through irrefutable pseudo-arguments ...] in late November he signed a contract for a two-book deal. The first would be a church-growth guide for pastors based on Warren's dissertation and his conference material and would be titled The Purpose-Driven Church. That would be followed a year or two later by a second volume that Warren had not yet fully conceptualized but that would be geared toward laypeople and would be called The Purpose-Driven Life [2002]. Zondervan agreed to pay Warren a respectable $150,000 advance reflecting their belief that the first book would be a winner in its genre [...] Gundry wanted to move quickly on the first book and he knew that Warren's writing time would be severely limited by his pastoral duties, so he convinced Warren to allow one of Zondervan's editors, Jack Kuhatschek, to listen to Warren's conference tapes and compose a draft that would replicate Warren's voice. It took Kuhatschek just five weeks to complete the ghostwritten manuscript, but when Warren read it he was not pleased. "Jack, you've done a wonderful job," Warren responded, "but it's not me. I've got to do this myself." Four months later, in the spring of 1995, he turned in his own manuscript [it is up to this reader to conclude what his biographer wants to tell us between the lines; we can certainly assume that Warren (and John Fischer) did not re-write it from scratch and that they rather modified Jack's manuscript; we can also see that Warren wrote 6 (!) books in between 2002 and 2003, which clearly proves ghostwriting; see link #7] and the book sailed through the editing process and came out that October ...John Fischer provided on his website the following reference [#8]: "Assumed Senior Writer roles for ... Purpose Driven Life, and ... John re-articulated the five principles of Purpose Driven Life for readers not associated with a church, resulting in 12,000 new subscriptions per month. Directed Purpose Driven Ministry's website-based product sales; Restructured, revised, and/or reworked Rick Warren's sermons for group curriculum with a worldwide distribution, and acted as Rick Warren's ghostwriter for secular articles in national publications." [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
  • Rebel With A Cause (1995, published by Thomas Nelson), marketed as written by Franklin Graham (Baptist & de-facto Catholic), but written by Cecil Murphey. [1] [2]
  • ReLeader: How To Fix What You Didn't Break (2024, published by XLeadership), marketed as written by Jon Chasteen and Craig Groeschel, but written by Vince Antonucci (The Gates Group). [1] [2]
  • Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ (2010, published by Thomas Nelson), marketed as written by John MacArthur (Calvinist), but written by Wolgemuth & Associates Inc.. [1] [2] [3]
  • Strength for the Journey: An Autobiography (1987, published by Simon & Schuster), marketed as written by Jerry Falwell (Autobiography!), but written by Mel White. [1] [2]
  • Think Ahead: 7 Decisions You Can Make Today for the G‑d-Honoring Life You Want Tomorrow (2024, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Craig Groeschel, but written by Vince Antonucci and Thomas J. Winters (Winters & King). [1] [2] [3]
  • Twelve Extraordinary Women : How G‑d Shaped Women of the Bible and What He Wants to Do With You (2005, published by Thomas Nelson), marketed as written by John MacArthur (Calvinist), but written by Robert Wolgemuth (Wolgemuth & Associates Inc.). [1] [2] [3]
  • Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life (2021, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Craig Groeschel, but written by Vince Antonucci and Thomas J. Winters (Winters & King). [1] [2] [3]

Books - Ghostwriters Revealed

While it is sometimes obvious that a Ghostwriter had been employed, this fact is most often disguised through (misleading) words such as authored 'with' / 'as told to' (= book mostly or exclusively written by the Ghostwriter) or 'and' (co-writing of author and Ghostwriter).

  • 90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life (2004, published by Fleming H. Revell), marketed as written by Don Piper (Baptist), with Cecil Murphey. [1] [2] [3]
  • Captive: The Untold Story of the Atlanta Hostage Hero (2005 published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Ashley Smith, with Stacy Mattingly (she ghost-wrote 5 books for Billy Graham's wife; Graham also pushed Rick Warren, who was the main beneficiary following the 2005 Atlanta Courthouse Shooting). [1] [2] [3]
  • Chasing the Dragon: One Woman's Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong's Drug Dens (2007, published by Chosen Books), marketed as written by Jackie Pullinger, with Andrew Quicke [1] [2] [Review 2*]
  • The Cross and the Switchblade (1963, published by Jove Books), marketed as written by David Wilkerson (Pentecostal), with John & Elizabeth Sherril (both employed by Guideposts - founded by the Freemason Norman Vincent Peale). [1] [2] [3] [Review 2*]
  • Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (1992, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Ben Carson (Seventh-day Adventist), with Cecil Murphey. [1] [2]
  • G‑d's Smuggler (1964, published by Chosen Books), marketed as written by Brother Andrew (Anglican), with John & Elizabeth Sherril (Guideposts). [1] [2] [Review 2*]
  • Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back (2010, published by Thomas Nelson), marketed as written by Todd Burpo (Methodist), with Lynn Vincent. [1] [2]
  • The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun (2002, published by Kregel Publications), marketed as written by Brother Yun (Pentecostal), as told to Paul Hathaway. [1] [2] [3] [Review 1*]
  • The Hiding Place: The Triumphant True Story of Corrie Ten Boom (1971, published by Bantam), marketed as written by Corrie ten Boom (Calvinist; Dutch Reformed Church), with John & Elizabeth Sherril (Guideposts). Probably very little (to nothing) of the book had been written by the proclaimed main author. Elizabeth went as far as to compare in an interview Corrie Tem Bom's communication skills with "a blind man trying to describe colors" [see 4], in order to justify their enormous creative license found in the books. [1] [2] [3] [Review]
  • I Dared to Call Him Father: The Miraculous Story of a Muslim Woman's Encounter with G‑d (1977-2003, published by Chosen Books), marketed as written by Bilquis Sheikh (Anglican / Catholic), with Richard Schneider. [1] [2] [Review 3*]
  • Joni: An Unforgettable Story (1976, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Joni Eareckson Tada (Calvinist), with Joe Musser[1] [2]
  • Left to Tell: Discovering G‑d Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust (2007, published by Hay House), marketed as written by Immaculée Ilibagiza (Catholic), with Steve Erwin. [1] [2] [Review 2*]
  • Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating Has Changed (2021, published by Baker Books), marketed as written by Jonathan (JP) Pokluda (Baptist), with Kevin McConaghy (The Gates Group). [1]
  • Return from Tomorrow (1978, published by Revell), marketed as written by George G. Ritchie (Freemason), with Elizabeth Sherril (Guideposts). [1] [2] [Review 1*]
  • Run Baby Run (2017, published by Bridge-Logos), marketed as written by Nicky Cruz (Assemblies of G‑d), with Jamie Buckingham. [1] [2]
  • Same Kind of Different as Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together (2006, published by Thomas Nelson), marketed as written by Ron Hall, Denver Moore, with Lynn Vincent. [1] [2] [Review 3*]
  • Shout it from the Housetops (1987, published by Bridge-Logos), marketed as written by Pat Robertson (Baptist & Freemason), with Jamie Buckingham. [1] [2]
  • The Torn Veil: The Best-Selling Story of Gulshan Esther (2004, published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Gulshan Esther (Methodist), with Lynn Thelma Sangster. [1] [2] [Review]
  • Tramp for the Lord (1978, published by Berkley Books), marketed as written by Corrie ten Boom (Calvinist), with Jamie Buckingham. [1] [2]
  • Unlikely Angel: The Untold Story of the Atlanta Hostage Hero (2005 published by Zondervan), marketed as written by Ashley Smith, with Stacy Mattingly. [1] [2] [3]
  • Welcome to Adulting: Navigating Faith, Friendship, Finances, and the Future (2018, published by Baker Books), marketed as written by Jonathan (JP) Pokluda (Baptist), 'with' Kevin McConaghy and Vince Antonucci (The Gates Group). [1] [2] [3] [4]

Literary Agents & Agencies

▼ For more details, click on the respective title below. 


The Gates Group, by Donald W. Gates, Jr. (aka Don Gates) [1] [2]

1 The Gates Group started in 2013 through books written for Kyle Idleman. Don Gates is member of his church and both endorse each other in their books. [1] [2]

2 Their (former) clients include: Alan Noble, Caleb Kaltenbach, Catherine McNiel, Jake Meador, Jared C. Wilson, J. P. PokludaKyle IdlemanLee Strobel, Mark Mittelberg, Matthew SleethMichael YoussefMike CosperRedbud Writers GuildTrillia Newbell. [1] [2] [3]

3 Their ghostwriters include: Don Gates, Kevin McConaghy, Vince Antonucci ... [1] [2]

Guideposts, by Norman Vincent Peale [1]

1 Their (former) clients include:
Brother Andrew, Corrie ten Boom, David Wilkerson, George G. Ritchie ... [1] [2] [3] [4]

2 Their ghostwriters include: Elizabeth Sherrill, John Sherrill ... [1] [2]

Jamie Buckingham (Bridge-Logos) [1]

1 Buckingham was close friends with John & Elizabeth Sherrill who propelled his career (he also endorsed their employer Norman Vincent Peale, and further wrote with Billy Graham the book 'Run Baby Run', which was a continuation of the highly problematic 'The Cross and the Switchblade' written by the Sherrill's). [1] [2] [see discernment on Norman Vincent Peale]

2 Buckingham was a leader in the Charismatic Movement and propelled the career of the highly problematic teacher Kathryn Kulman, by writing 10 books for her (including her biography and 2 post-mortem books). [1] [see discernment on Kathryn Kuhlman]

3 He also wrote for Pat Robertson. [1]

4 Buckingham was a radical Ecumenist who called for unity between Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, and Pentecostals. [1]

Robert Wolgemuth (& Sons) [1]

1 Calvinist. Robert was an elder and Sunday school teacher at First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. His wife Nancy DeMoss openly promotes Contemplative Mysticism and paved the way for Timothy Keller founding his Redeemer church. (Their) son Mark DeMoss was the spokesman for Billy Graham's family and ministry. His firm also represented his son Franklin Graham's charitable organization Samaritan's Purse.  [1] [2] [3]

2 Wolgemuth is former president of Thomas Nelson Publishers, which confirms how systematic the fraud involving literary agents is, and how interwoven the sytem is. [1]

3 Their clients include: John MacArthur, Joni Eareckson Tada ... [1]

4 Their ghostwriters include: Andrew Wolgemuth, Erik Wolgemuth and Austin Wilson. [1]

Non-Disclosure Agreements

We Christians are called to hear the voices of those who are weak and suffering, and not to silence them.

Read in the excellent article by Will Timmins (Bible By Day) more about the nature and effects of Non-Disclosure Agreements. In summary they silence victims, judge the innocent, 
coerce the weak, bind and entrap, conceal sin, deceive and mislead, commit simony (provision of spiritual power, privilege, position), are idolatrous, are ineffectual and are a covenant with death (satan).

* No collaboration

The day may come [and is now here], when a Christian work is "a celebrity preacher's ghostwritten book of ghostwritten sermons bearing a ghostwritten foreword by another celebrity and ghostwritten endorsement blurbs on the dust jacket by still more celebrities, none of whom has read the book." Edward E. Plowman