Bible Maps
Main Map
Discover in this handmade map the key places of biblical history, based on the commonly assumed locations. 1700 entries show you the most relevant mountains, valleys, (ancient) rivers & lakes, seas, cities, trade routes and mission trips.
You will also find some surprises including the corrected locations of Babylon in Upper Mesopotamia, Goshen on the Sinai Peninsula and the northern extension of the biblical Red Sea in the Arabah / Negev. The highlight of this map is the former Garden of Eden localized in June 2021.
Did you know that the Israelites entered the Promised Land through the very same area where THEOS did not 'only' do an astonishing miracle - moreover where John baptized IESOUS and His disciples, where John and the disciples baptized many believers, and where both Elijah and Elisha parted the waters, and Elijah was taken up? Bible history is truly amazing.
Relief Map
Traditional maps are very limited when it comes to what we call the third dimension. Relief maps show us much better what IESOUS CHRISTOS actually created and how our earth is shaped alike.
In this new project, the findings from the previous map will be successively integrated, and in its final form show biblical history from an entirely new perspective.
The current version shows already the singularity of the Karaca Dag as the location of the former Garden of Eden, posing masterfully above the vast region of Upper and Lower Mesopotamia. It provides us also with a new perspective on the true location of the biblical Red Sea in the Araba Valley, and shows us the strategic location of the 7 churches from the book of Revelation.
The Madaba Map
The Madaba Map is together with the Dead Sea Scrolls one of the most remarkable discoveries of this Christian age. It was only discovered after Muslims surrendered the respective city they occupied after the creation of this astonishing map.
The map is a floor mosaic in the early Byzantine church of St. George in the city of Madaba, located in Jordan. The original dimensions of the mosaic were 21 x 7 meters, while the remaining portion (after vandalism / fire / earthquakes) is ~16 x 5 meters.
Contrary to the Dead Sea Scrolls, where THEOS' Word had been mixed with secular and sectarian teachings, we can spiritually affirm the Madaba Map without reservations, because their creators inserted in the very limited space a number of direct quotes from the Greek Old Testament, highlighting very specific and important passages, and they reflected the true locations of biblical history. But sadly the map had been misinterpreted by modern scholars and diminished in its importance, mainly because of their confusion of the River of Egypt with the Nile, which goes back to the times where maps included only one arm of the Red Sea.
The Megiddo Church Mosaic
The Megiddo Mosaic is one of the earliest testimonies for a Christian Ekklesia / Worship Hall, commonly dated to 230 AD (through the typology of the mosaic text and vaguely through coins found on site) and abandoned in ~300 AD. Even more importantly, it contains the oldest inscription referring to the divinity of IESOUS CHRISTOS. Interestingly, this mosaic was sponsored by a Roman centurion who was a believer.
The floor mosaic had been purposefully covered with a layer of wall plaster and roof tiles (possibly in order to hide / preserve it) and was found only in 2005 in Megiddo, which is close to the biblical site for the future Armageddon.
The dimensions of the mosaic are approx. 10 x 5 meters, and the main inscriptions, the 'Akeptous' inscription including the divine reference and the fish medallion, are facing East.