Christian Music

Christian music developed over time from hymns and g‑spel music to contemporary music, a genre of modern popular music which is lyrically focused on matters concerned with the Christian faith. All three genres offer enormous riches, but we require more discernment with contemporary music. In the following selections you will now find a very rich variety of carefully selected worship music.
Enjoy, while remembering the purpose of worship: 1. He alone is the object of worship (Exo 20:2-3 · Psa 139:24). 2. Worship Him with all your heart (Mat 15:8-9).
5 Hymns | True Classics
6 Instrumentals | Perfect For A Quiet Time
Christian Songs
Enjoy an exclusive collection of 150+ carefully selected and continually updated Christian Songs. 19 hours of music, available on Spotify (full master list), Soundcloud and Youtube Music.
Discernment through a list of problematic artists & songs can be found here.
Music Videos
Instrumentals (Live)
Worship is not only a synonym for sung music and can include · acting in a drama · communion (Luk 22:19) · confession (Heb 10:23 · Jam 5:16) · dancing (Psa 150:4) · giving to those in need (Act 4:34), a church (1Tim 5:17) or a good cause (1Cor 16:2) · imitating IESOUS (Eph 5:1) · kneeling down (Psa 95:6) · praying (1Tim 2:1 · 1Th 5:16-18) · obeying THEOS (Act 5:29) · playing an instrument (Gen 4:21 · 1Chr 15:16) · raising your hands (1Tim 2:8) · reading Scripture with due reverence (1Tim 4:13) · sharing your faith (Rom 10:8) · singing & shouting (Col 3:16 · Eph 5:19) · surrendering your problems · thanking THEOS and testifying.
The Blessing
The Blessing (2020) · Covered by artists from more than 100 countries
Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Island, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, UAE, Uganda, UK, US, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe, et al
* This ministry does not endorse Elevation Church and the original video is not included in this collection. But we should appreciate the contribution EC has made under the obvious guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT - to encourage and unite believers in all over the world in a difficult time.
Songs Of The Bible
Exo 15:1-21 · Moses · After crossing the Red Sea
Num 21:17 · Israel · For receiving water in the wilderness
Deut 32:1-43 · Moses · Before entering the Promised Land
Judg 5:2-31 · Deborah's and Barak · For Israel's military victory
2Sam 22:2-51 · David · For rescuing him from Saul and his enemies
Isa 26:1 · Isaiah · How the redeemed will sing in the New Jerusalem
Ezr 3:11 · Israel · After completing the Temple's foundation
Luk 1:46-55 · Mary · After the conception of IESOUS
Rev 5:9-10 · The 24 Elders · Opening of seals
Rev 15:3-4 · Song of Moses and the Lamb
* Most, if not all songs of the playlist include references to 'G-d' which is an extra-biblical term appropriated by Arianism / Gothic ~Christianity~ and should rather be avoided (see discernment 'The Name G-d'). But it should be obvious that it is nearly impossible to filter by music not including the term 'G-d' and I therefore recommend songs including this term. I encourage listeners to mentally replace this name with 'THEOS', 'KYRIOS' or any other biblical name of the Great 'I AM'.